Herro errybody, this is ur boi best tier list maker! or should i call it faker?(DEEZ NUTS)
anyways in order to promote this superior game that is 100x better than spiral knights
i want to show erryone why you should delete spiral knights and move to league..!
in fact there are also some LD players here that play league that have challenger mechanics(FAKER WHAT WAS THAT?!)
so here you go.
TOP 10
0. Epic-legend-Knight.
- The one and above all. He is the progenitor of LD and League. if his LD mechanics were to be translated to League he would be holding 10 world trophies no cap.
1. Faker.
-No need to say anything as all you need to do is just watch this(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZA07KFd23_A)
2. Skycapp.
-Best akali yone midlaner 2022 NA he is so good it makes low elo players wet(https://streamable.com/9dx76p)
3. Doinb.
-So good at carrying the LPL a chinese super model married him.
-Has the quickest reaction time of catching an airborne champion(https://streamable.com/cadurx)
-So good at tilting players he wins the game by making his teammate lose GGff15.
6.Solemdeath Jr.
-Taught Meckhazix the basics of league to where he is today. KAT ONE TRICK(https://youtu.be/CO8CBaAy66g)
7. Showmaker.
-So good at midlane that a kpop star went to see him in person(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imIkKrS0oXw)
-Master of Gragas and veigar.
9.Doublelift & Gumayusi
-So good at the role ADC that if they were to play LD they would dethrone Namewithnumbers arcana spam.
10. Whale-Fail
-Has reached the pinnacle of top laning and LDing.
Honorable Mentions:
-Best Leona player NA
-Played league once but did better than skeptics whos played for 8 years.
-Master yi player almost as good as cowsep.
-His innate Allah akbar talent has allowed Zainj to master the way of playing Ziggs. He is so good at bombing even osama bin laden cant ever hope to be in his footsteps.(https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/863505426494128201/93031368301857...)
Worst LoL players.
-fingers so fat when she presses a key it destroys the League server.
-famous for running it down mid also known for sabotaging Evolutionized promo games.
Sad to see G2 didn't even make it in the list