How come the forum's activity is a bit lacking lately?
I'm not that too concerned about the forum's present state, despite the game's state many people are still concerned about as of late. It's the activity I'm a bit more concerned about today.
I sometimes check here to see the activity and I find hardly any people posting new topics like how many have been in the past. Even the Gremlin Chatter had some activity, but that's gotten slowed down to a recent crawl.
I know there are many people that have other things to do, but they should at least come on by sometime soon.
The game's forums are our place to discuss what we enjoy about the game, what could be improved in many aspects, even let out some steam time to time for those who have concerns about anything else.
Knights, if any of you are around reading this, I ask of you to at least give the forums a bit more activity today. We could use it.
I experienced that, too, but I quickly presumed that was more of a maintenance routine again, as before, so, I, too, couldn't post new threads or posts until that was over. Guess we can do so again.

Presumably the number of active players is decreasing over time. There are still new players, but not many. The veterans have discussed almost every aspect of the game thoroughly.
There are multiple Discords for Spiral Knights. People talk there and hence not here?

I mean SK has reached its final deathroe, there is no update in sight, just endless promotions. GH doesn't seem all that inclined (ie. not at all) in giving away the IP in spite of SK's untapped potential in the hands of fans who actually wants to improve the game. So there really isn't much to talk about.

The forums were disabled for the past few weeks, this is why no one posted.
Also, this game is better in GH’s warm yet slightly crusty hands, trust me.
Community has no singular vision, too many cooks. Game would turn into a shallow mess.
I can understand the active players are decreasing, but I feel that should be increasing, even if we have a few more new adventures, which are still overdue.
OK. I understand that. What I would like to see more frequently is more new additions to return the kind of activity the game still needs.
I have done a few posts on the Gremlin Chatter, but hardly anyone visits to discuss lately. Not that I'm saddened or anything like it. I just sometimes feel that should be visited a bit more. I could place another post there maybe sometime soon, and people would come by and chat sometime. Sure, its not that important, but visiting time to time should be encouraged.
Moreover, we have been, but still need to, keep doing our best to bring back the constant activity SK deserves. Yes, the devs of GH have been busy, but more communication from them should be a bit more frequent to strengthen our friendly bonds with them.
What the game needs right now is a more coherent plan to reinvigorate the game through frequent small additions of new content, besides promotions, new events, & new activities to regain its growth it once had.
What plans would anyone recommend to bring the game better vitality? Mine would be more new Expansion Missions.

Also, this game is better in GH’s warm yet slightly crusty hands, trust me.
Gotta love that classic "Citation: just trust me" statement, can you tell me anything good, other than keeping the game alive, has GH done in the past year?
Community has no singular vision, too many cooks.
At least there will be cooks, GH is just milking SK at this point until they shut it down once the cost of developing the game is recuperated. So unless they are willing to come out and state otherwise, this is the theory I am sticking to unless you have a better explanation about the silence.
Yes, the devs of GH have been busy,
In what exactly? Making new costumes to sell?
Mine would be more new Expansion Missions.
Creating new missions is idiotic, OCH is the only piece of DLC in the game and GH has never made one since, I am not sure why it takes GH this ludicrously long to create new levels, but making a few new levels/mission a year won't make a splash in the active player count, the content will be stale in a few months and people will once again quit.
My suggestion would be game rebalance and overhaul on the fire crystal system, allowing people to make rads from shinings will be a start (there is no reason why it shouldn't). Making useless armor lines like the jelly/plate/owlite and the joke rewards you get in any SL other than UGW more useful would also be nice, giving an actual way to build a 'tank' class into the game. Bombers will need some much needed love as well, variety is what will bring back old players in the end.
OK, so I have hardly any idea of how busy they are right now. I mean, hardly lately, any plans about the game and the development pipeline have been discussed. I'm not one who's good at guessing any game development timeline estimates. I just have thoughts on what they could do to keep the game thriving with more original content. Trying to come up with new ways can be a bit tough, sometimes.
I also have no idea if more players are busy trying to up the game's advertising lately, but I was in thought that they were.
If anything, I would still hope, and I still am hoping, that the devs at GH have any new hints to what's really coming to SK, besides more new costumes.

I just have thoughts on what they could do to keep the game thriving with more original content. Trying to come up with new ways can be a bit tough, sometimes.
Ideas are the easy part. The Suggestions forum (and every other forum here) is filled with them. The hard part is implementing them. An idea, that takes you one minute to invent, might require thousands of hours of design, development, testing, and balancing.
Yeah, that's true, Bopp, but the necessary labor into making those ideas a reality are worth it... long as there's active working people on a team committed to it in a project, with enough focus, of course. Otherwise, doing it all by your lonesome is taxing on oneself, even with the necessary tools needed.
Take, for instance, having a world with an amount of levels in a platformer. One themed world would have a small amount of levels any player would complete before going into the next, but the level amount may differ, that is to say, 4 levels in one world, 6 in certain or some worlds. Nevertheless, the world still needs an end-world boss before finishing it.
That would be one choice, if needed, but, there's also another choice; have a mid-boss in a world for the player to face before going to the major boss. The mid-boss would have to go into the midpoint of a world, say, 1-2, and the mid-boss would need to be fought in the end of said level, but the key difference is, the mid-boss needs to have slightly less amounts of health/hits to defeat than the major boss, who has more than said mid-boss, and still have attack patterns still unique to the enemies', but more than the former. Have a mid-boss in, still have the major boss to overcome, and move on to the next, et cetera.
There's, of course the choice to make said existing mid-boss recurring, but, say, you don't want to make that choice, because it takes away the brevity in any platformer that has many bosses to defeat, even with people that have been getting used to that are still expecting that to occur. Having each world at least one unique mid-boss in, that's also a fine choice to take, but having more than one, in certain worlds/stages, that'd take a bit more work to do, but some find it worth it to up the variety and originality of boss designing. Not counting games that are mostly boss fights, so you know.
The thing about making mid-bosses, to me, is I'm not sure there's available guides to doing so thus far. I've not seen one yet. Sure, there's already guides to what people could do, even making games, but this small tidbit that kinda annoys me is that although we see more new platformers that have mid-bosses lately, what goes into making mid-bosses? Does it have to do with putting them into design documents, like before? Are there exemplary ones people could reference to give the steps needed to make them? I know there are already existing tools to make them, but does the artwork that goes into making them count as normal/major bosses do?
My perspective is that its not that hard to make mid-bosses in any game. The matter is getting comfortable with it to people that make games with the proper steps, guidance, and examples needed to give such motivations to make them.
Also, size constraints in game media, even though that's what, I believe, held people back in making more unique mid-bosses in games, I don't think its a problem now, long as compression processes are still used, that is.
If anyone's up to it, should they feel like it, have new guides up or available guides updated so people can get comfortable with it. If no one's up, maybe I might end up making one... not that I have a problem with it or anything like it.
Sorry if I veered a bit off from the topic.

I don't think the issue is "new content". Most of the time, doing what players want is the smart thing to do (otherwise they'll leave). We all want new stuff.
Problem is, there's no reason to add anything new if it won't profit. I know there are whales, but that's not a sustainable economy, not comparable to bringing in new players.
I may be wrong, but from all I can see, updating the game won't benefit them in any way.
Nothing about SK is seeing in a noticeable amount of new players. The biggest update won't bring back people who have tried the game and dropped it from boredom, or people who left after it lost popularity. Maybe they'd log in to have a look, but in the end it will always be the same game as when it started.
No MMO lasts forever, and at this point SK is just waiting to shut down. Grey Havens has stated their only purpose is to preserve Three Rings IPs, which is exactly what they're doing. I agree new content would be refreshing, but at this point letting this version go and creating a whole new game would be the better choice.
The issue is that interest from new players is low, retention is low, and the chance of bringing back old players is probably non-existent. I don't know of any MMO that has resurged from death. If you can think of one, let me know. I'd love to read about it.
I understand all of the frustration, though. I love SK! It's still is one of my favorite games, I have a lot of good memories and always dream, like a little kid, of better things for it (even when said dreams are silly and unrealistic). anyway, glad to see people who still care about SK!
I know that kind of feeling when waiting too long for anything highly anticipated that sometimes gets shoved to the wayside from no interest nor progress on it, let alone being honest about any game/DLC project's progress to any fan eager to see it finished for playability.
I mean, yeah, there are times where we need something more than what people propose, in terms of bringing SK's popularity back to the amount the game had in its early years, but, even today, we know people still care about the game and still play it no matter what.
What'd be good in letting something go that meant so much to people if it only ends up leaving voids in our hearts that way?
This kind of feeling heavily reflects on many people wanting to play whatever anticipated games they want to play since announcement, but wouldn't or won't get the chance to, delayed or otherwise.
Unrelatedly, in that manner, this reminded me of many people still wanting to see the highly-anticipated, but constantly delayed, treasure finding game, Treasurenauts. When I heard it would be going to the 3DS, at the time, it brought me excitement to see another brilliant 2D game for me, and anyone else who enjoyed many 2D games, past & present, brought up to be played. Originally, as recalled by memory, Renegade Kid, whose 2D games went to Atooi upon closing, had looked forward to launching it, but some hindrances kept that game from launching, aside from occasional progress reports on its state, and made it miss the 3DS game lineup and moved to Switch as consolation. Even still, today, nothing else has been said about Treasurenauts yet. I really still want to play it, even with my hopes for its launch still up, but I still worry about such games, like that aforementioned game, may end up getting the axe, so to speak.
Atooi, while being a fine company that gave good games, may need to bring in a few more people to accelerate whatever game projects in the works to completion real sooner than later.
My view on any game development, regular, indie, or otherwise, making a game for anyone to play is amazing, but doing so on big scales that take even one person too long to make alone, underestimating the games' scope, size, and content to make upon finishing design docs, even the DLC, even with announcements on any one game, not doing any progress reports on the game, and having a very understaffed company that makes games, could lead to whatever games that were highly-anticipated, no matter what department the games are built on, to losing great popularity, constant budget cutting to the company, in and out employee and management mistreatment, untimely life needing commitments that pulls people away from development or quitting there to focus more on said commitments, not that there's problems with said commitments, they're important, too, and losing great interest to the customers & workers that planned to work on game developing companies.
Too much waiting on anything will surely age us. We don't want that. Got to keep doing constant activity to get boredom out.
Sure wish such problems in that industry could be nonexistent. We'd have more great games & kept ongoing favorite MMOs that way.

Not many people still use forums. People use discord etc now instead of traditional forums like this one. Steam Login is also not working for the forum alot of the time.

I'm just lurking, that's all.
With the drama happening, I'm just going to onlook more, that's all.
I was under the impression the forums were down. I wasn't able to even create a new thread this past week. I'm still not sure if that was isolated just to me though.