Keep getting "403 Forbidden" page when trying to edit my old posts on Bazaar thread.
Fix Topic/Reply edit

I was editing certain page on the wiki and faced this issue as well. I tried to isolate it and in my case, it was caused by using "style(equal sign)" in the wiki text. I already sent a support request via the support portal. On the support portal I faced this issue again, as I couldn't send the request because of some error. It turned out I must not mention "style(equal sign)" even there. Similarly, I couldn't write it literaly here, too, and had to rewrite the "=" to "(equal sign)" to not trigger it.
I got a reply from the support to leave the request open. That was on February 16. In the meantime, the status of the request changed from "Open" to "Escalated to Lead." I'm a bit curious, actually. I haven't seen such status message before.
Based on my experience, I'd suggest you to find the word that triggers the error and rewrite or remove it.

Interesting. Thanks for posting.
It's something weird in how they validate user input maybe? Hopefully they don't do it to avoid having users execute some kind of code (because hopefully there isn't even an avenue for users to execute code).
Maybe. I've also got the impression that there's some sort of blacklist for security reasons. But it seems to have bigger reach than what GH intended. It's also weird that you get only a generic error code in response, no actual explanation of what you did wrong. I think it's possible this was implemented by their provider and not by GH themselves. That would also explain why this is a site-wide problem. Though I can also imagine this was a quick and dirty fix by GH.
But these are all just speculations.
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