Bring Back SK
Sun, 04/10/2022 - 00:44

Hey starting a forum here I logged into SK happy to see that there are still people playing the game would really love to bring the game back lets bring back SK
Not gonna happen. Monetization is horrible and grind is too tedious and repetitive. Forge system is a progression killer. Forget build will burn out from crafting a single 5* set.
There are even p2w elements, like weapon/trinket slots.
Not to mention SL.....A single try costs 5$ worth of En. That's more than whole OCH DLC.
SK tries a bit too hard to milk its players, while being a tiny indie game.
Those people you see are either unaware new players, or nostalgic old timers. Both aint gonna stay for long. Coz no sane person can tolerate this crap for long in a game that were abandoned by developers.