Totem Radius changes with height mod

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Skepticraven's picture

I thought I was familiar with all nuanced mechanics in the game, but I just noticed this one today:

When players pick up some placeable items (eg grim totems, statues), they change visually with the player height mod.
What also changes is the drawn radius (purple circle) around the totems (indicating where zombies will get revived).
The difference in radius between extra tall and short is about the width of the totem itself!

I didn't test if it actually affects revive radius or is just an amusing minor visual bug, but thought it was interesting enough to mention.
Maybe if someone gets interested enough they'll test if the short knight in a team should be the designated totem mover.

Bopp's picture

Thanks for sharing. I don't have time to test this effect right now, so here's some wild speculation...

The reviving disk is implemented as a mesh shaped like a dome. The disk ends where the dome intersects the ground. The animation is implemented by transforming the texture coordinates on the mesh. When a taller knight picks up the totem, the disk ends where the dome intersects the ground, and this is farther out than it would be with a shorter knight.