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Possibles updates for this game.

1 Réponse [Dernière contribution]


I have been playing Spiral Knights for quite some time now, it's sad after all this years that Spiral Knights has less and less people, but there's a reason for this, the lack of content, the fact that since the new forge system has been introduce people take way more time to craft a decent gear.
I'm unsure if you still want to update the game or let it die because there are only been updates for cases and slightly more missions and that's it.
First, the forge system should either be removed and the old system reimplemented (without taking away orbs because I feel like it would be too easy to craft items) and/or continuing the storyline so we can explore the core and make a T4 zone where eternals/radiants would drop more often because farming vanaduke and getting 0 radiants is very frustrating. Also make the radiants crystal possible to craft out of shinings.
Have some new events to bring back the hype among players, you get bored of the current ones when you've been playing for so long.
Add more arcade gates so there are more possibilities regarding farming. Bring back the old mineral deposite cause we have 2 minerals that are completely unused or add 2 more sprites. Add guild quest so you encourage people to play together and have more team spirit. A deeper look into weapon balancing, some feel really clunky and useless even while being 5* while some have been dominating for years. This has been requested a lot of time, allowing players to create levels they can submit to the steam workshop and the community can vote for them. Add some more prestige icons, there are players that are way above 45k so they will surely like it. Make SK multi platform would be a great idea I think, it would be pretty enjoyable to play SK on console and that will bring back more players.
This game has still a lot of potential that has never been used, it would be the time to do something..

I will keep posting my ideas as the time goes on so please, don't act blind devs !!

Portrait de Ernst-Swordman

I agree the old systems should be brought back