good sword for beginners/starters
i posted this on new recruits but someone said people arent reply as much there but i want a good sword i can get used to and upgrade until i get better swords for those wondering im using a hot edge level 5 and 1 star

Yes Brandish line is a great choice for a begginer(and veteran) and I suggest an elemental one and not acheron which is shadow.The reason is that as the game stands in order to make crowns you will need to farm first Jelly king and then Vanaduke so an elemental sword is better as you can use it in both of those missions-depths.Also if you aim to farm Vanaduke you will need a Blitz gun to deal with Vanaduke boss.Have fun!
Note:Acheron is a great weapon also but not usefull in Vanaduke depths as it there has zombies who are resistant in shadow damage.

Qever makes a good point. Acheron is great, but elemental damage is more relevant to the game's most popular monsters, so Combuster is the better choice for many knights.
The one warning I would give is: If you are pairing this sword with an elemental gun, then you probably want the sword to be shadow not elemental. The general idea is that you want at least two damage types in your loadout (in most levels).
If you plan to run FSC a lot, Divine Avenger is better as far as elemental damage goes, especially since Slags are immune to Fire, compromising Combusters effectiveness somewhat. If you want a Brandish line weapon though, consider Voltedge or Glacius for FSC.

Combuster is highly effective in Firestorm Citadel. The fire argument is treated in my sword guide linked above. I find it dramatically faster than Divine Avenger. Voltedge is also good.
It's faster than DA but can only hit one Slag at a time, or, assuming you use charge attacks, can only hit Slags in a straight line. DA can cleave more than one Slag at a time, has better range for hitting Slags just outside of arms reach, and the charge attack can mow down everything in a 90 degree cone. And again, I don't like using any weapon with a specific element against enemies resistant or immune to that element. I would never take Magma Driver into FSC on a gun build, for instance.
I assume you're not a fan of Glacius because the freeze effect prevents enemies from "riding the wave?" IIRC Voltedge has this problem too, just not as pronounced as Glacius does.
We haven't talked about piercing weapons though. Between the two, which do you find to be the better option: Final Flourish, or BTB? I think FF has more damage potential but is unpredictable and risky with its charge attack, while BTB is safe and easy to use and still has high damage potential depending on how good you are at positioning the charge attack, but doesn't leave you nearly as vulnerable.

I highly recommend getting Caladbolg, not only it is a fire variant it also has rainbow effect, how cool is it?!
And get an arcana, doesnt matter if you dont know how to aim, that gun alone does more damage than any sword mentioned above if you know how to single switch it!
Good luck with your journey to become a veteran ^.^
Caladbolg hasn't been in circulation for, what, five years now? I doubt that thing sells for anything less than 2 million crowns at this point.

You get caladbolg from Lucky prize box, which reruns every year around st Patrick's week, it's worth a shot :)

just get a mixer as it's the best sword
but in all seriousness just listen to @Bopp instead of @Khillurtofu. Bopp has a Purple Spiral to prove they know stuff about the game while Khill... looks to have been living under the rock the entire time
the other funny thing is that 9+ Calads have been sold for less than 2mcr this year alone so yes definitely been under a rock
Okay, you don't have to throw me under the bus Hatn, I was genuinely trying to help.
is it good or should i stick to brandish
thanks for helping

No, the Calibur line is not as good as the Brandish line for most players. You cannot trust the stats shown on the statistics bars.
The one exception might be a knight who plans to get only one sword ever, and who wants to be able to use that one sword in all situations. Then Calibur/Leviathan is okay. But I have made multiple knights with only one sword, and Calibur/Leviathan was never it, because even then there are better choices.
Swords are explained thoroughly in my sword guide. The short answer is to get a Brandish. (In fact, you get one from a rank mission.) Then upgrade to either Combuster or Acheron, depending on which enemies you care most about and what your other weapons are.