Can we have back the "revive poke" mechanic, but optional? (details inside!)

I understand the pros of the current system and it is definitely good for a solo player, but it takes alot from co-op experience making every knight basically on their own in the journey and can even lead some players to prefer solo experience. I also understand that some players like the current "second chance" system over being dependent on random co-oper. As well as I understand that there probably were good reasons to change this system.
What if we could specify if we want a "revive poke" or "second chance" type of journey when we create a party? Same as we can choose difficulty? That would be awesome! I've been talking to many old players in past couple of years and most of them are very nostalgic to the old fun days when everyone in the party would take care of each other, some of them would even play more often if this was in game. We think old system connects people and bring good emotions and memories, isn't that what co-op MMO should be like?
This options, just as difficulty, can be chosen only at the creation of the party and cannot be changed in the middle of the adventure.
Auto-revive (current "second chance") isn't possible with this option.
Sparks of life cannot be used.
If knight dies but wants to revive themselves (or any other knight) they have to use energy (same as it was before current system basically).
Heat isn't shared on revive (to avoid exploiting).
Big love,
Nice suggestion.
Also give players more reasons to play Arcade like we used to when the game launched. Maybe increase crown payout, include a use for minerals like before, or even brand new levels. This would help add variety to the gameplay both for new players and for endgame players, instead of everyone spamming the FSC mission and hoarding millions of energy.
Right now the goal of most players is to get a Combuster and a Blitz needle, farm FSC for hours and play costume simulator.
Great examples of co-op content already in the game are the Prestige Danger Missions and the Shadow Lairs. We need more of this type of content, that is easily accessible and offer both challenging gameplay forcing players to band together with different loadouts, and decent payouts or other rewards to make it replayable and worth doing.
Give a reason for players to drop their Black Kat or Chaos armor and their blitz needle, and rely on teamwork to get the job done.