The Fang of Vog changes we need but we don’t deserve

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Welcome to post number 1000th talking about how we should change FoV because it’s overshadowed by Combuster, I’ll get straight to the point.

Idea number 1, “Let the meta slaves have it”: Remove self-burn or reduce it’s potency to the point maximum fire resistance makes you completely invulnerable to it’s fire damage (booooooooooring). This alone without any other kind of change to the weapon would make the weapon a side-grade to the Combuster that deals more damage but has much less range, nor crowd control capability and relies heavily in Vortex family bombs to deal reliable damage to multiple enemies. As I said, this is lazy and boring, but would be the easiest way to make the FoV more viable because it wouldn’t conflict with the meta so much.

Idea number 2 “It’s a *fire* sword for Haven’s sake”: Crank up the fire status chance to eleven, make it deal fire damage on every hit, including self fire. This would technically increase the weapon’s DPS and reliability, but it wouldn’t be enough to make the weapon more appealing, so I think this change should be applied alongside something else, either from this list or not.

Idea number 3 “My name is genome soldier and I like to SPEeEeEeEeEeN”: If this weapon is supposed to be a glass cannon then let’s exaggerate the risk-reward aspect. Technically speaking, the FoV is the worse weapon to chain charge attacks one after the other because the fire makes you wait one tick of damage before you can actually try to get your charge again (if you do it too soon the fire will reset your charge time to around half a charge, and don’t tell me to wait for the tick to do the charge so I can “charge faster” because essentially you are waiting the same amount of time, for the most part), so why not say “screw it” and make the charge time be as fast as the Catalyzer line? It would still have the downside of burning yourself to death so you would still have to base your entire loadout around this weapon and refuse to use sets like Black Kat or Chaos, but now it would be a bit easier to do so because you wouldn’t need to worry about wearing equipment or UVs with Charge Time Reduction. And don’t tell me “but we can just use blue pills with the meta, non fire-resisting armor”, because this is not only RNG dependant but you WILL use it because you WILL get hit, you are not a robot, you can’t just use the “Just don’t get hit” argument for all balance talks, because if this truly was the case, you’d then had to agree that the Black Kat set would still be OP/meta even if it would make it so a single hit would kill you independently of the enemy or situation.

Idea number 4 “This is a bone, not metal or stone, isn’t it?”: Make the attack speed be the same as the Calibur/Brandish family. Like, what’s the reasoning for this? That the main way of attacking with this weapon should be the charge attack? The lower attack damage compared to the Combuster is already enough of a downside to give the idea that you should focus on charge attacks, so the speed should be increased in my opinion (And I know the FoV deals more damage overtime because of the fire, but it’s really slow damage, so, like, it’s not exactly a good argument, since only big enemies like Trojans or bosses would be affected by this, and the weapon is clearly designed to deal with multiple small enemies around the player, not a single big target with a lot of HP).

Idea number 5 “Better SPEEN”: Remove knockback of most hits to the charge attack so hitting enemies multiple times becomes easier. Not sure if this would make the weapon unreliable, but hey, it would at least hit enemies a lot more times, thus dealing a lot more damage. I would apply this to all the other Calibur weapons too, to be fair, because those have an even weaker charge attack, they deserve some love too.

Idea number 6: Give more ways to deal with the self fire, I guess, something that requires either time, exposure, or resources, like the blue pill. What that’d be tho… I have no idea sadly, this is more like a last thing I want to add for other people to start a discussion about and develop more ideas.

I know Gray Havens won’t listen to what I gotta say because no one wants to listen to a masochist like me that likes to run with a weapon capable of killing you faster than it can kill other enemies, but still, I like to express my opinion and ideas.

Also please make a darkfire version of the weapon, please? Purple or blue could look cool, I like blue…

Bopp's picture
good summary

I haven't considered every point in detail, but your summary seems good.

The weapon is interesting as long as it enables a play style different from that of other weapons. So I would not need to see the regular attacks buffed. Buffs that improve the usability of the charge attack are desirable. Lowering the self-fire or removing the knockback are good ideas.

Parasthesia's picture
Increased chance to set

Increased chance to set targets on fire with the normal attack would help pay off the slower speed and make it more rewarding to use.

Self burn is balanced in a world where many more powerful weapons with less downsides exist. The trade off of at least one defensive gear and running seraphynx heart attack makes it very viable. Also combo with vortex bombs.

Fang’s fire proc chance would work well as a heavy sword type, like GM Third Troika.