Recon Knights is recruiting!

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Bild des Benutzers Peakyrr

Hello potential recruits and curious fellows! Allow me to introduce myself, I am Peakyr, one of the officers of Recon knights. Recon Knights pride ourselves on being an inclusive guild open to all. Before i talk about that, why dont i introduce us a little?

We have a single guild master, our founder Cherryberry. She founded the guild with our most senior officer Brul as a new home for some of the wandering souls from The Fallen. She owns a massive amount of equipment and has a huge number of hours in game.

We currently have the following 8 Officers, including me!


If you wish to find out a little more about the officers, we have all said a little about ourselves on the wiki page.

A little bit about us:
We consider ourselves a guild thats more like an extended friends list. We dont have any specific focus other than palling around, providing a bit of company and perhaps a bit of advice to newer players. Our guild hall is fully decked out including all the niceties for our members. We also have a guild page here: that tells you all you might need to know and is kept (roughly) up to date by myself.

Should you wish to join:
All you have to do is send a mail in game to myself (Peakyr), Brul or Cherryberry. For our recruitment process we will go on a clockworks run with you then just have a little chat to get to know you. We have a few rules but they basically all boil down to play nice. Oh, and you must be over 13 (as stated in the games terms and conditions). If you are mailing me please be sure to mail "Peakyr" and not my forum account with an extra r.