Cyber Monday Community Wishlist 2022

38 replies [Last post]
Turbillion's picture

Heya! Cyber Monday is coming up in a couple of months and so it calls for another community wishlist. The goal remains the same as last year's:

Reply to this thread with the items you want the most to appear during this Cyber Monday sales, you can explain why you've chosen said items or not, it's completely up to you. Optionally you can leave feedback about the last Cyber Monday sale as well.

Once we get a considerable amount of replies a final list will be made based on your wishlists and then e-mailed to Grey Havens in hopes to at least see a few in there. There won't be a deadline this time although it'd be nice to have most submissions by the end of September.

Similarly to last occurrences we'll have a giveaway/raffle going on for participating...

A random prize(*) will be sent to you via mail if at least one of the items in your wishlist makes it to the sales. Items already known to be present such as Hacked Aura, Shadow/Silver Keys, Fire Crystals, Golden Leafy Aura, Bitter End, Final Gasp, etc. won't be counted as valid winning items. Please make sure to leave your Knight name below along your wishlist otherwise you won't be able to receive your prize in case you do win something.

* As much as I'd like you to, don't get your hopes up for big or expensive prizes, they're small bundles of common items in appreciation for your contribution.

All winners will receive their prize during Cyber Monday which is expected to happen late November this year.

Here's my wishlist:
- Twilight Aura
- Prismatic Ankle/Shoulder Boosters
- Prismatic Crest
- Disguise Kit
- Divine Tailed Helm

Wish everyone the best of lucks for this year's sales!

Maskeraith (Snarblepup) in depot

My list is:

1. Maskeraith (Snarblepup) in the supply depot
2. Check 1.


Parasthesia's picture
What I want is not available

Personal wishlist:
Biohazard Reskin from past prize promotions
Buccaneer Broadsider
Swift strike reskins
And of course Celestial Orbitgun and Vortex

Rare slime sets would be fun though, like Shadow, Frenzy.

Carbon-Jm's picture
Ign: Carbon-Jm

My list:
- Grey Tome of Rage
- Grey Valkyrie Wings
- Snarblepup Pod (on depot)
- Prismatic and Fiery Feathered Auras
- Stormy Costumes (Rider Mantle, Plate Mail, etc), or Stormy Prize Box
- Prismatic Parrying Blade
- Illuminating Ward (preferably on depot!)
- Winter’s Edge

Feedback on last flash:
- Last flash would have been better had there been more high-value items on the Depot instead of just the Featured Auction. While the Featured Auction items were very good, the Depot ones were not as interesting as 2020’s.
- Surge Prize Boxes were very good to be at the end of the sale and I would like to see another box released like that this year.

please, all i want is the brigandine

-volcanic brigandine
-Ice Axe (triglav reskin)

Cyber Monday 2022 wishlist Pyro-Beast

My wishlist:
- golden laurel
- Maskeraith (Snarblepup) pod
- citrine rose set
- shadow valkyrie wings
- caladbolg

ign is Pyro-Beast


Santa, this year for Christmas I would like:

Raider horns (frosty, volcanic)
Extension cords (cool, toasty, etc)
Spiraltail mail (and firetail)
Surprise box (the yearly one but this time with EVERY. BOX.)

Permafrost aura, dreadful aura
Illuminating ward
Buccaneer broadsider or any of the brandish reskins (squall/skeggox/winter)

and crazy idea but uv tickets in depot

Watergoose's picture

ign Watergoose


1) seraphynx pod (siamese)
2) prismatic wolver tail
3) prismatic valkyrie wings
4) prismatic halo
5) prismatic cat tail


snipe auras (all colors)
trotters (all colors)
raider horns (all colors)
pollinator, virulent seedling
illuminating ward
tech teddy bear bucklers
squall caller, firestorm skeggox, winter's edge, raider buckler
dread captain cutlass, ship wheel, buccaneer broadsider
storm/rage/frenzy plate mails and rider mantles
down puffers (all colors)
dreadful aura
blossom aura
flowertech aura
prismatic feathered aura
prismatic ankle booster

cyber monday!!! - Adydoesstuff

Polar costumes/Polar Prize Box!

That's all :>

tech blue tailed helm 😍

Wishlist for depot or fah:

1) Tech blue tailed helm (plsplspls)

Prediction: Snarblepup pod

Cyber Monday - Wishlist By Darcuiat

My Wishlist:

Winter's Edge
Squall Caller
Firestorm Skeggox
Dread Captain Cutlass
Buccaneer Broadsider
Crystalline Defender
Ice Axe
Tech Blue, Green, Orange and Pink (Teddy Bear Buckler)

Storm, Raging and Frenzy ( Avenger Helm , Champion Helm, Crusader Helm, Dragon Helm, Warrior Helm, Rider Mantle and Plate Mail).
Dangerous (Diablo Helm, Grim Mask, Oni Helm, Brigandine, Draped Armor and Hound Coat).
Polar (Day Warden Hood, Day Warden Coat, Night Warden Hood, Night Warden Coat, Twilight Warden Hood, Twilight Warden Coat).
Hazardous (Diablo Helm, Grim Mask, Oni Helm, Brigandine, Draped Armor and Hound Coat).
Volcanic (Plated Pathfinder Armor, Plated Warden Armor, Plated Shade Armor, Plated Pathfinder Helm, Plated Warden Helm, Plated Shade Helm).
Tech Blue, Green, Orange and Pink (Down Puffer, Down Puffer (Unzipped),Snow Hat, Pompom Snow Hat).
Illuminating Ward.
Firetail Mail.
Spiraltail Mail (Volcanic, Shadow and Divine).

Storm, Rage and Frenzy Crest
Fury, Rage and Frenzy Wings
Raider Horn (Frosty, Volcanic, Shadow, Divine and Grey)
Dangerous (Spike Mohawk, Scarf, Dragon Wings)
Polar (Wolver Tail, Halo, Dragon Wings)
Hazardous (Dragon Wings, Scarf, Spike Mohawk)
Glacial (Tome of Rage, Trotters, Astrolabe, Extension Cord)
Snarbolax Slippers, Vog Slippers and Skolver Slippers
Magmatic Shackles
Tech Blue, Green, Orange and Pink (Slippers, Scarf)
Astrolabe (Shadow, Divine and Volcanic)
Cozzy Halo
Prismatic (Halo, Valkirie Wings, Wolver tail, Scarf).
Shadow (Dragon Wing and Cat tail).

Keelhauled Aura
Permafrost Aura
Cocoa Snipe Aura
Vanilla Snipe Aura
Chilled Aura
Enchanter Aura
Cozzy Aura

Maskeraith (Spiralhorn)
Drakon (Spiraltail)
Drakon (Gun Pup)
Seraphynx (Love Puppy)

Orbits and Mixmasters

Edited -- I know these are big items...but they don't have to be! With some balance these really could just be another cosmetic floating around, not the end-all-be-all. I don't expect these at all, but it's what I'd like the most!

Give us:
Celestial Orbitlaser
Overcharged Mixmaster

Even better:
Nerf them, then release the "guns" that mimic these into the general public. I don't mind some balancing after 5 years.

My wishlist

My wishlist isn't a big one, so I'll just list some "common" big things that I'd like:

"Celestial" or "Culinary" weapons and gear;
Gremlin cosmetics and Darkfang Shield;

Yes, I haven't played the game in a while and I don't know how common these actually are but they would be fun to get since I didn't have the chance to use any of these in a while.

Serious Wishlist

IGN: Illbleh

- stoppage of monthly (ugly) gem boxes
- new game content

- Ancient Raider Tunic
- Black Battle Chef Coat

- Black Fowl Mask
- Shadow Shroom Cap

- Illuminating Ward

- Ancient Raider Horns
- Shadow Vented Visor
- Shadow Tome of Rage
- Shadow Ritualist Pack

- Twilight Aura
- Blossom Aura
- Enchanter Aura
- Keelhauled Aura

- Raider Buckler

- Squall Caller
- Firestorm Skeggox
- Buccaneer Broadsider

- Snarblepup (Maskeraith) Pod

IGN same as here

I would love to see the Raider items making a comeback.

Especially the weapon reskins (Winter's Edge, Squall Caller, Firestorm Skeggox) and the Swiftstrike reskin (Raider Buckler) as it seems like those have disappeared alongside the people who had them.

There are many more items that I would wish showing up once again but as for right now I think these are currently the ones I wanna see the most.

ign Bobjoey-Joe

- Pollinator
- Tech Pink Deadly Charcoaler
- Dread Captain Cutlass
- Squall Caller
- Ship Wheel
- Illuminating Ward

- Drakon (Gun Pup)
- Maskeraith (Snarblepup)

- Tech Blue Tailed Helm

- Turquoise/Aquamarine Writhing Tendrils
- Moonlight Leafy Aura
- Wicked Wings gen1
- Crest of Curse


IGN: Mutantdemocracy

- Celestial Orbitgun
- Overcharged Mixmaster
- The Final Gasp
- Squall Caller
- Buccaneer Broadsider
- Spiral Soaker
- Seraphynx (Love Puppy)
- Heavy Ankle Booster
- Power Pistons
- Heavy Shoulder Booster
- Heavy Sealed Pauldrons
- Heavy Mohawk

Ariave's picture
Wish List

First off, I want to +1 Carbon-Jm's feedback:

- Last flash would have been better had there been more high-value items on the Depot instead of just the Featured Auction. While the Featured Auction items were very good, the Depot ones were not as interesting as 2020’s.
- Surge Prize Boxes were very good to be at the end of the sale and I would like to see another box released like that this year.
(Or as someone else suggested, a pool of random prize boxes would be fun as well, would definitely dump some money into that)
-Love the flash sales. Last year was my first time participating and it was awesome!

Wish list:

Warden helms (Volcanic, Toasty, Divine)

Drakon Gun Pup Battle Sprite (Ideally in the supply depot. Everyone would hate that because it would severely drive down the market price for these but that'd be the only realistic way I would be able to get my hands on one haha). Roarmulus Twins are my favourite boss fight, the cutscene is iconic. If I can carry that cutscene as a battle sprite with me, I think that's the real American dream.

Tails Tails

ign Ariave


- Sniped hat

- Snipe aura

- Snipe peeeeerch

- Sniiiiipe everywhere


My wishlist

- Tome of Rage (cool, dusky, ancient)
- Dragon wings (Wicked, shadow)
- Wicked leafy aura
- Fiery aura
- Garnet aura
- Tech blue tailed helm

Lyrose's picture
I only want

Divine Themed Promo to specifically get Divine Tailed Helm so my knight can rest with my most wanted item for the past 10 years

Hatn's picture
IGN: Hatn

Divine/Volcanic Tailed Helm
Gun Pup Pod
Permafrost Aura (very rare)
Prismatic Canteen
Shadow Boar Set (extremely rare (unbound))
Splendid Toppers (extremely rare)
Silver Personal Colour
Venom Aura

Ainogommon's picture
Ign: Ainogommon

Since last year was hat (depot ofc)
How about...

- Standard colored Pullovers
- Divine/Shadow/Volcanic Pullovers

Tiose's picture
ign : Tiose

Basic colored Gun Pup Helms and Onesies... those are forgotten

IGN: Sendhix

My wishlist is:
•Grey Drakon Pod
•Iron Wolver Tail
•Iron Dragon Wings
•Airbraker Shield
•Silver Personal Color
-Everything in Supply Depot.

Thanks for heard our suggestions!

In-game-name: Sendhix

Gome-Xyz's picture
not too many things I'd especially want to see this time around

Polar Costumes (Warden & Wolf, Day/Twilight/Night)
Raider accessories, particularly Horns
Magmatic and Frozen shackles
Sprite pods, especially Siamese Seraphynx, which hasn't been depoted yet to my knowledge
Illuminating Ward

Mixmaster, Orbitgun & Somnambulist Totem

Everything on supply depot :)

Theirillusion's picture

Supply depot orbitgun/mixmaster/diskgun
Supply depot somnambulist totem

Do I really need to say why?

Bidoknight's picture
Let's hope

I as well would love seeing a Divine Tailed appear.
But also taileds in general.
It would also be nice if they didn't cost as exorbitantly much as last time...


My Wishlist:

Re skins:
-Winter's Edge
- Raider Buckler
- Firestorm Skeggox
-Airbraker Shield
-The Final Gasp
- Squall Caller
- Buccaneer Broadsider
- Spiral Soaker
- Pollinator
- Ship Wheel

- Keelhauled Aura
-Raider Horn(All colors)


Seraphynx (Love Puppy)

Wishlist (ign Sir-Challisr)

1) The Tech Colour Chemtrail Auras ((Blue / Orange / Pink / Green)) on Supply Depot
2) Shadow Pompomp Snow Hat
3) Thunderous Plate Mail

Quintinius-Vergnix's picture
- divine flak jacket -

- divine flak jacket
- volcanic flak jacket

Spring-At-Peace's picture
IGN: Spring-At-Peace

- Volcanic Prize Box
- Unclean Aura: Stinks instead of Stonks
- Divine Prize Box/ All Proto Helms & Armor in Divine Color
- Grey Proto Helms & Armor
- Standard & Non-Standard Cat Tails (Hunter, Surge, Lovely, etc.): Year of the Tiger.
- Standard Wolver Tails
- Standard Color Raider Horns
- Extra Vertical Vents
- Extra Bent Vertical Vents
- Standard Dust Bunny Tails: Last year's Wishlist.
- Standard Whiskers: Last year's Wishlist.
- Buccaneer Eye patch: Last year's Wishlist.
- Standard Gun Pup Helms + Shadow: I personally would like to see them in rotation again.
- Gremlin Disguise Prize Box

- Standard & Non-Standard Vertical Vents (Surge, Hunter, Lovely, etc.): Year of the Tiger.
- Raider Buckler
- Dread Captain Cutless: Last Year's Wishlist.

- Storm/Raging/Frenzy Costumes
- Kat Costumes, Dread Seal/Wings/Aura, Prismatic Heavely Halo/Seraph Wings/Seraph'Tennas/Dazzling Gem, or Catastrophe Prize Box: Year of the Tiger.
- Grey Aura
- Venom Aura: Still waiting for Cronus to put in the Supply Depot since last year in March....
- Chilled Aura
- Twilight Aura
- Green Leafy Aura
- Wild Aura
- Polar Leafy Aura
- ALL Splendid Toppers: I want these in cycle again + A certain enthusiast wants them as well.
- Maskeraith Pod(Spiralhorn)
- Maskeraith Pod(Snarble Pup)
- Drakon Pod(Spiraltail)
- Drakon Pod(Piggy)
- Drakon Pod(Gun Pup): My SO wants one a lot too.
- Seraphynx Pod (Love Pup)
- Seraphynx Pod (Tabby/Siamese/Grey): Year of the Tiger.
- Mitary Round Helm: Because whoever placed up the Round Helms FORGOT to include Military early September...

A bit of a list, but some include a bit of a theme since we haven't really been celebrating too much Zodiac for the past couple of years...

So far, I did like how a good amount of items folks requested did pop up in the Flash Sale, which was nice to see. Only main problem was that a few went up on Featured Auction rather than the Supply Depot, which wasn't really fun for plenty of players.The Surge Box surprise was nice to see and I do hope more Old Prize Boxes (Maybe even new ones) can pop up this year as well. Now I just gotta wait and see whenever we get Venom Aura in Supply Depots. Overall, I do enjoy this Community Wishlist since not only is it fun, but adds a bit of input from several players. (:

Parasthesia's picture
Seconding(thirding) Gun Puppy


Gun Puppy turret helms
Mecha Knight Helms
Mecha Knight armor

All in their standard and maybe more exotic recolors!

ign Spooky-Sephy

I'd love to see the Stranger Cap, Robe and Hat to return because they're only available in Prize Boxes that haven't been seen since 2018.
Mixmaster and Orbitgun would be great too, would love to see more of those in circulation.

ign Kmand

My Wishlist

1.Stormy Prizebox
2.Gourmet Prizebox

Electroburst's picture
wish i'd have remembered to do this earlier

Listed in order of probability i'd buy them based on estimated cost and my excitement for each item:
- all the Gun Pup Helms (and it'd be amazing if they came out with a tech blue one too) or at least construct prize boxes
- all the onesies especially tech blue
- all the stranger robes (and again, please make a tech blue version)
- original Teddy Bear Buckler (not a fan of the stripe on the tech variants)
- sniped stranger hat
- recipes for the 2 to 5 star versions of guns leading up to and including Overcharged Mixmaster
- and lastly, only because i think it's a longshot, a permanent version of the gremlin disguise. you could call it "everlasting gremlin disguise" or "authentic gremlin disguise" to be similar to the Dark Harvest costume helmets. yes, i know about the gremlin helmets, but they aren't the same.

ign electroburst

Better late, than dead. :)

IGN: Benjamin-Craft

1. Celestial Shield
2. Celestial Orbitgun
3. Celestial Saber
4. Power Mitt
5. Overcharged Mixmaster
6. Owlite Wand
7. Crystalline defender
8. Caladbolg
9. Winter's Edge
10. Squall Caller
11. Firestorm Skeggox
12. Dread Captain Cutlass
13. Buccaneer Broadsider
14. Ice Axe
15. Alpha Claw Gauntlet
16. Untimely Scythe
17. Raider Buckler
18. Teddy Bear Buckler
19. Illuminating Ward
20. Maskeraith Snarblepup

Decided to include everything, I might like to have. But the most desired are Overcharged Mixmaster, Celestial Shield and Orbitgun because of their unique properties (especially Shield - would be great for Heart of Ice and Shadow Gloaming Wildwoods). Aslo Snarblepup. Yep, Snarblepup's cool.

Wishlist: Cyber Monday

1. Scissor Blades
2. Celestial Orbitgun
3. Overcharged Mixmaster

Knight: Litenant

Wishlist: - Twilight Aura -


- Twilight Aura
- Snarborlax Slippers

Knight: Art-Of-Lag