Welcome to The Goose Caboose. 9000+ items in stock and counting.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IMPORTANT INFO (Do not skip)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1) Accepting Crowns, Energy, and Item offers.
2) All offers welcome (lowballs included).
3) Discord: watergoose2 (new discord account)
4) IGN: Watergoose
5) Always up to date (the "bump" replies do not mean updates, my list is up to date at all times)
6) Sorted Alphabetically
7) Use CTRL + F to find specific items or categories.
8) Discounts given at my own discretion (typically only for bulk trades and guildmates). I do not do friend discounts.
9) I typically do not give refunds or loans of any kind, nor do I take partial payments or "I'll pay you back" deals with anyone that is not a close friend of mine.
10) I do allow customers to reserve items from me for certain periods of time (not exceedingly long) as long as certain conditions are met (ask for details). When I reserve items for people it means that I will hold that item for them as long as the agreement is still intact, and I will not sell/trade the item no matter what, regardless of what others offer me for it.
11) I typically do not allow previews without collateral to anyone that is not a friend of mine, especially for high value items. And even for those who are, collateral is preferable, so always try to have it before you ask to preview something of mine.
12) If something is not on my WTS list, I don't have it for sale. If something is on my WTS list, I do have it for sale. There are times where i forget to update my list after selling an item or obtaining a new item, but that rarely happens.
13) Everything on my WTS list has a price on it. You can find out what they are by asking me.
Thanks for visiting :D.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FEATURED LIST~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Black Kat Cowl Fire Max + Shock Max
Black Kat Cowl Normal Max + Shadow Max
Black Kat Cowl Normal Max + Shock Max + Stun Max
Black Kat Cowl Shadow Max + Shock Max + Fire High
Black Kat Cowl Shadow Max + Shock Max + Normal High
Black Kat Raiment Fire High + Shadow High + Normal High
Black Kat Raiment Fire Max + Normal Low With Grasping Aura + Crest of Love
Black Kat Raiment Fire Max + Shadow Max + Piercing Max With Celestial Dragon Wings + Celestial Cat Tail + Grasping Aura
Black Kat Raiment Normal Max + Shadow Max + Freeze Low
Buccaneer Broadsider Ctr VH + Asi Med
Caladbolg Asi VH + Ctr High
Chilled Aura
Dangerous Dragon Wings
Drakon Pod (Piggy)
Extra Short Height Modifier
Fiery Feathered Aura
Firestorm Skeggox Asi VH + Ctr Med
Firestorm Skeggox GM Lite (Asi VH + Ctr High)
Frenzy Plate Mail
Hazardous Hedge Coat
Keelhauled Aura
Metal Sonic Set (Mask + Suit)
Moonlight Leafy Aura
Restored Deep Sea Set (Jaws + Cuirass)
Restored Shroom Cap
Seraphynx Pod (Love Puppy)
Shadow Buccaneer Set (Sniped Bicorne + Captain Coat & Hook)
Snipe Aura
Squall Caller Ctr VH + Asi Med
Squall Caller GM Lite (Asi VH + Ctr High)
Spiral Soaker Ctr VH + Asi Med
Spiral Soaker GM Lite (Asi VH + Ctr High)
Storm Rider Mantle
Thunderous Plate Mail
Voltedge GM Lite (Ctr VH + Asi High)
Winter's Edge Ctr VH + Asi Med
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FULL LIST~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WTS SWORDS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Acheron Slime VH
Alpha Claw Gauntlet
Alpha Claw Gauntlet Asi Low
Alpha Claw Gauntlet Asi Med
Barbarous Thorn Blade Asi High
Brandish Asi Med
Brandish Asi High
Brandish Asi VH
Brandish Asi VH + Ctr Low
Brandish Ctr High
Caladbolg Asi VH + Ctr High
Calibur Asi Med
Calibur Asi VH
Celestial Saber Asi Low
Celestial Saber Asi Med
Celestial Saber Asi High
Combuster Ctr Med
Combuster Ctr High
Fang of Vog Asi VH + Ctr Low
Final Flourish Asi High
Fireburst Brandish Asi Med
Fireburst Brandish Ctr Med
Firestorm Skeggox Asi VH + Ctr Med
Firestorm Skeggox Ctr High
Firestorm Skeggox GM Lite (Asi VH + Ctr High)
Flourish Asi Med
Flourish Ctr High
Flourish Ctr VH
Flourish Ctr VH + Asi Low
Furious Fork
Glacius Ctr High
Gran Faust Asi High
Gran Faust Asi VH
Iceburst Brandish Asi Med
Nightblade Asi High
Nightblade Asi VH
Node Slime Crushers (Citrine, Cool, Divine, Dusky, Fancy, Heavy, Military, Regal, Toasty, Volcanic)
Rigadoon Ctr Med
Sealed Sword Asi High
Sealed Sword Ctr High
Sealed Sword Ctr VH
Shockburst Brandish Asi High
Shockburst Brandish Ctr Med
Squall Caller Ctr High
Squall Caller Ctr VH + Asi Med
Squall Caller GM Lite (Asi VH + Ctr High)
Sudaruska Asi High + Ctr Med
Sweet Dreams Ctr VH
Tech Orange Sweet Dreams Asi Med
Untimely Scythe Asi High
Untimely Scythe Ctr High
Voltedge Ctr Med
Voltedge Ctr High
Voltedge GM Lite (Ctr VH + Asi High)
Winter's Edge Asi VH
Winter's Edge Asi VH + Ctr Med
Winter's Edge Ctr High
Winter's Edge Ctr VH + Asi Med
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WTS HANDGUNS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Autogun Asi Med
Autogun Asi VH
Blaster Ctr Med
Blaster Ctr High
Blaster Ctr VH
Blitz Needle Asi High
Blitz Needle Ctr Med
Buccaneer Broadsider Ctr VH + Asi Med
Callahan Ctr Med
Elemental Blaster Ctr VH
Firotech Alchemer Ctr High
Gilded Griffin Ctr VH + Asi Med
Grim Repeater Ctr High
Grim Repeater Ctr High + Asi Med
Iron Slug Ctr High
Magma Driver Ctr VH + Asi Low
Nova Driver Asi High + Ctr Low
Obsidian Carbine Ctr High
Pulsar Ctr High
Pulsar Ctr VH
Riftlocker Asi High
Savage Tortofist Asi VH
Shadowtech Alchemer Ctr VH + Asi Low
Spiral Soaker
Spiral Soaker Asi High
Spiral Soaker Asi VH
Spiral Soaker Asi VH + Ctr Med
Spiral Soaker Ctr Med
Spiral Soaker Ctr High
Spiral Soaker Ctr VH + Asi Med
Spiral Soaker GM Lite (Asi VH + Ctr High)
Tundrus Asi VH
Valiance Asi Med
Volcanic Pepperbox Ctr Med
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WTS BOMBS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Celestial Vortex
Celestial Vortex Ctr Med
Deadly Charcoaler
Electron Charge Ctr Med
Electron Charge Ctr High
Graviton Charge Ctr High
Graviton Charge Ctr VH
Graviton Vortex Ctr Med
Pot O' Crowns
Punkin Cinnamug
Punkin Cinnamug Ctr Med
Punkin Cinnamug Ctr High
Scalding Hot Cocoa
Slumber Smogger Ctr VH
Torpor Tantrum Ctr Med
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WTS HELMETS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ash Tail Cap Shadow Max + Poison Low
Ash Tail Cap With Cool Scarf
Ash Tail Cap With Crown of Summer + Cool Node Receiver
Black Kat Hood
Black Kat Cowl Fire Max + Shock Max
Black Kat Cowl Normal High
Black Kat Cowl Normal High + Shadow High With Dusky Spike Mohawk + Dusky Knight Vision Goggles
Black Kat Cowl Normal Max + Shadow Max
Black Kat Cowl Normal Max + Shock Max + Stun Max
Black Kat Cowl Poison Max
Black Kat Cowl Shadow High
Black Kat Cowl Shadow Max With Pearl Round Shades
Black Kat Cowl Shadow Max + Fire Med With Aquamarine Crown
Black Kat Cowl Shadow Max + Shock Max + Fire High
Black Kat Cowl Shadow Max + Shock Max + Normal High
Black Kat Cowl Shock Max + Normal High With Aquamarine Crown + Prismatic Dazzling Gem
Black Kat Cowl Shock Max + Shadow High
Black Kat Cowl Stun Max
Black Kat Mask Shock Med
Blazebreak Helm With Ruby Crown + Toasty Bent Vertical Vents
Dusker Cap With Toasty Ear Feathers
Emberbreak Helm With Toasty Com Dish + Toasty Aero Spoiler
Fused Demo Helm With Military Rebreather + Military Scarf + Military Vertical Vents
Kat Claw Cowl
Magic Hood Curse Max
Magic Hood Elemental Med
Magic Hood Elemental Max
Magic Hood Fire Med
Magic Hood Fire High
Magic Hood Freeze Max
Magic Hood Normal Med
Magic Hood Piercing High
Magic Hood Poison Med
Magic Hood Shadow Med
Magic Hood Shadow High
Magic Hood Shock Med
Magic Hood Stun High
Padded Cap Fire Med
Padded Cap Normal High
Padded Cap With Heavy Round Shades + Cool Plume
Rock Jelly Helm With Verdant Bent Vertical Vents + Verdant Toupee + Verdant Glasses
Skolver Cap With Candy Striped Scarf
Snarbolax Cap Fire Max
Wolver Cap Normal Med
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WTS ARMORS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ash Tail Coat Stun Low With Cool Wolver Tail
Ash Tail Coat With Sunshine Aura + Regal Valkyrie Wings + Heavy Wolver Tail + Crest of Summer
Black Kat Cloak Fire High
Black Kat Cloak Freeze Max
Black Kat Cloak Piercing Max
Black Kat Cloak Shadow High
Black Kat Cloak Shadow High + Shock Med
Black Kat Cloak Shadow Max
Black Kat Cloak Shock Med
Black Kat Cloak Shock High
Black Kat Cloak Stun Max
Black Kat Mail Fire High + Shadow Med
Black Kat Mail Normal Max + Piercing Max
Black Kat Mail Shock Max + Normal High + Fire Low
Black Kat Raiment Fire High + Shadow High + Normal High
Black Kat Raiment Fire Max + Poison High + Elemental Low With Grasping Aura + Crest of Love
Black Kat Raiment Fire Max + Shadow Max + Piercing Max With Celestial Dragon Wings + Celestial Cat Tail + Grasping Aura
Black Kat Raiment Normal Max + Poison Max
Black Kat Raiment Normal Max + Shadow Max + Freeze Low
Black Kat Raiment Shadow Max + Fire High
Black Kat Raiment Shadow Max + Shock High + Curse Low With Floating Amethysts
Chaos Cloak Elemental Max + Fire Max
Chaos Cloak Normal Max
Divine Mantle Elemental High + Curse Med With Sprinkle Aura
Dusker Coat With Toasty Wolver Tail + Toasty Side Blade
Emberbreak Armor With Volcanic Ankle Wings + Prismatic Wings (Gen 1)
Kat Eye Raiment Piercing High With Prismatic Valkyrie Wings
Magic Cloak Fire Med
Magic Cloak Normal Med
Magic Cloak Piercing High
Magic Cloak Poison Med
Magic Cloak Shadow Med
Magic Cloak Shadow High
Magic Cloak Stun Med
Padded Armor Fire Med
Padded Armor Normal Max
Padded Armor Shadow Max
Sacred Firefly Shade Armor Shock Max With Brown Buhgok Tail + Dusky Chaff Pack
Sentinel Armor Shadow Max
Shade Armor Piercing Max + Normal Med
Skolver Coat Normal High + Shock Med With Vanguard Crest
Spiral Demo Suit Normal Max
Wolver Coat Fire Med
Wolver Coat Fire Med + Poison High
Wolver Coat Fire High
Wolver Coat Normal High
Wolver Coat Shadow High
Wolver Coat With Wild Aura + Tawny Doggie Tail + Wild Bone Pendant
Woven Grizzly Sentinel Armor Curse Max
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WTS SHIELDS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Airbraker Shield
Airbraker Shield Normal Med
Airbraker Shield Shadow Max + Piercing Low
Celestial Shield
Darkfang Shield
Green Ward
Green Ward Shadow Max
Node Slime Walls (Cool, Divine, Dusky, Fancy, Heavy, Military, Regal, Toasty, Volcanic)
Owlite Shield Fire Med
Owlite Shield Freeze Max
Plate Shield Fire Med
Raider Buckler
Raider Buckler Elemental High
Raider Buckler Shadow High + Normal Low
Swiftstrike Buckler Fire Med
Swiftstrike Buckler Fire High
The Bitter End
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WTS TRINKETS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dawn Bracelet
Daybreaker Band
Early Riser Ring
Gift of Autumn
Grand Solstice Ring
Quick Strike Module
Misplaced Promissory Note
Quick Draw Module
Sword Focus Module
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WTS COSTUMES~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Aero Helms (Cool, Divine, Dusky, Fancy, Heavy, Military, Regal, Shadow, ShadowTech Blue, Tech Green, Tech Orange, Tech Pink, Toasty, Volcanic)
Aero Armors (Cool, Divine, Dusky, Fancy, Heavy, Military, Regal, Shadow, ShadowTech Orange, Tech Blue, Tech Green, Tech Pink, Toasty, Volcanic)
Amethyst Helms (Crescent, Fur Cap, Hood, Pith, Plate, Round, Sallet, Scale, Stranger Cap, Tailed, Winged)
Amethyst Armors (Brigandine, Cloak, Culet, Draped, Flak Jacket, Plate Mail, Raiment, Scale Mail, Tabard)
Ancient Helms (Serene Pith, Serene Sallet, Serene Tailed)
Ancient Armors (Gold Buckled Coat, Serene Brigandine, Serene Cuirass, Splash Sarong, Splash Trunks)
Aquamarine Helms (Chapeau, Crescent, Fur Cap, Hood, Node Slime Mask, Pith, Plate, Round, Sallet, Scale, Stranger Cap, Tailed, Winged)
Aquamarine Armors (Brigandine, Cloak, Cuirass, Culet, Draped, Flak Jacket, Fur Coat, Node Slime Guards, Plate Mail, Raiment, Scale Mail, Stranger Robe, Tabard)