Slime Casino not dropping boxes?

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Parasthesia's picture

See above. Has anyone gotten anything from the current slime casino run?

Alpha-Stevo's picture
Maybe I was just unlucky...

I went in there with about 200 Slime Tokens, and the only thing I was able to squeeze out of it was More Crowns.

No Luck Potions or nothing! Heartbreaking...

Fallen-Feces's picture
Hate to break it to ya

To my knowledge, we haven't gotten slime boxes from the casinos in quite a long time. I could be wrong, though. I haven't kept up too much but I do recall there being a long period of time without them and idk if that has changed just yet.

How it Works

As of the past few years Slime Casinos tend to have a box associated with them about once a year give or take. This one box a year however is only available for 24 hours or so and then the Casino will revert back to boxless without warning. If you're looking for a box casino I'd recommend keeping up with Spiral Knights discords like Arcade or Kozma's Backpack because the forums are slow and sleepy by the time you get an answer here assuming a box is in the Casinos it'd be gone in all likelihood. I don't think the current casino had or has boxes though.