==================================================DOOM'S HUT!!!====================================
=========- ALL prices are negotiable, so hit me with an offer! Lowballs won't be given attention.=========================
=========- I take crowns, energy or item trades. Crown is preferred, energy in case you're out of crowns. With item trades, i === might ask for more than the sale price due to the lack of liquidity.
=========- I might not answer immediately in-game, but hit me on discord and i'll probably get back to you faster. Discord: =====
=========- Have fun!=================================================================================
================================= WINGS:
-Valkyrie: (Cool, Fancy, Dusky, Heavy, Military, Regal, Toasty) - 550kcr each
------------(Divine, Shadow, Volcanic, Prismatic) - 850kcr each
-Dragon: (Dusky) - 520kcr
------------(Shadow) - 820kcr
================================= TAILS
- Wolver: (Regal, Toasty) - 300kcr each
------------(Divine - 500kcr, Volcanic 350kcr)
- Cat: (Divine) - 350kcr
- Extension Cord (Divine) - 900kcr
================================= AURAS
- Flame - 350kcr
- Permafrost - 2.5mcr
- Twinkle - 500kcr
================================= HALOS
- Volcanic - 600kcr
================================= VARIOUS
- Prismatic Pylons - 800kcr
- Frenzied Sealed Pauldrons - 1.6mcr
- Raider Horns (Shadow - 700kcr, Divine - 500kcr)
- Volcanic Tome of Rage - 800kcr
- Power Pistons - 700kcr