Where can I go to find other people to play with?

3 replies [Last post]
Spinachus's picture

I've clearly played this game far too late with as unpopulated as it is right now, but there's clearly still some people playing.

But where do most players congregate, besides the forums? Is there a Discord or some kind of community center in-game I should know about?


The most players are in Haven, I have usually seen them congregate to the bazaar trades. Usually I am in a gate however, so you may never see me.

Bopp's picture
Auction House, guild

Welcome. The game is great. You are right, that it is no longer heavily populated.

It might help if you join a guild. To find one, consider asking other knights near the Auction House in Haven. That's where a lot of people hang out.

Dancinjen's picture
hello! You can join my guild.

hello! You can join my guild. I am the guild master of In the Jelly. I have very low key made a comeback and I would love to recruit some people for my guild. I had a great guild back in the day. We would voice chat and followed each other on social media. I am still in touch with some of them to this day. Feel free to mail me in game. I don't play a whole lot but I am hoping to recruit more people.

Thank you! -Dancinjen