Revival/Rework of the game

3 replies [Last post]

Hey everyone. I've been playing Spiral Knights since around 2011....and I have been seeing a heavy decline lately due to the lack of players or activeness in the community. But I always wondered, if Spiral Knights were to be revived as a game, would it still be able to get a whole rework even though it was created on a formerly old java-database? And it's sort of like a remaster, although I would like to see any old progress to be transferred to this "remaster". Overall, is it possible for it to rework towards extending to other platforms (mobile, xbox, etc.) besides only PC? Lastly, will it be a major breakthrough to even reach to popularity similar to the top games we see today if this whole transformation does occur someday?

Bopp's picture
depends on how deep your fantasy is

You're describing a hypothetical world, where there are massive resources needed to rewrite the code base, port to other platforms, etc. So the answer to your question depends on: How massive of resources are you imagining? It could be done with $1,000,000,000, because that's plenty to make a high-end game from scratch, and a bunch of artwork already exists. It could not be done with just $1,000,000.

The-Pandimonium's picture
Grey Havens is content with

Grey Havens is content with the state of the game; them keeping it alive is at a cost. We all want more content, but they don't have the manpower to create large updates anymore. The servers will one day shut down, that will be a sad day. Most of the value player placed in Spiral Knights did not come from this game, but it's longing community. I'm surprised enough the developers within Grey Haven still possess enough desire to fund this community, In fact... I would have thought the 'Game Masters' did not even play this game anymore, if not for a content creator's interaction with one. On a technical note... Spiral Knights only came into existence because SEGA sponsored Three Rings, now that SEGA is not a constituent over Spiral Knights there is no direction to the game nor financial or contractual motivation. RIP

Not for now

All you can hope for right now is a spiritual successor due to the fact that a certain group of people (whom Id rather not even bring up) thought that they are somehow beyond and above the people who are currently maintaining and paying for the game to be up for everyone else. Thinking that they can somehow 'convince' them to give up the game to them if they look cool enough, even know they have expressly stated that selling the IP is not in their interests.
Given the people who submitted such an idea, I'm glad the game is currently in the hands of who is currently holding it now.