Grinchlin Assault Loot Compilation/Data
Hey all, I decided to return back to the game in an attempt to hunt down the components of the Grand Solstice ring in order to obtain it for collection purposes (as it occured to me that I have items from every game event except Winterfest)
My goal here is to do at least 100 runs before the Grinchlin Assault missions are over. I've also decided to make a sheet that documents all of the loot I've obtained from the runs I have completed so far, so in a way this is basically loot drop data. Ofc since it's only gonna be like ~100 entries when everything's done, it's definitely too small a sample size to derive any meaningful conclusion to the drop rates of solstice rings, but in case anyone out there still values and collects data like these, well, 'ere it is!
It's still a sheet that is going to be updated semi-frequently until Winterfest is over as I continuously do more and more runs. A few things to note:
1) These entries reflect only MY loot, not anyone else who may have joined me for the journey...since this is a personal loot table
2) All the runs done so far are complete runs, no partial runs
3) I have all the screenshots of every run saved...dunno how significant this is but it's in case anyone wants to see proof
4) No grinchlin snowballs, I noticed it too late and frankly I'd rather not go through all my runs again to count the number of snowballs I've amassed
And lastly, well, if the event ever finishes without me getting the gold ring (I got the silver ring on my 43rd run :D), hit me up if anyone has a gold ring to sell, I would be delighted to purchase it and complete the Grand Solstice ring <3
Firstly, thanks Bopp, it's been quite a journey doing this.
Secondly, 100 runs have finally been reached with a day or 2 to spare! Grinchlin Assault went from a mission I feared and prepared my sparks for to a relatively casual mission now. I believe out of the 100 runs, I've only used about 10-15 sparks total. I will continue to do runs until the mission is gone for good~ :>
With Grinchlin Assault over, it's time to announce the data collected over this holiday season!
A personal total of 120 full elite runs have been completed, and the loot amassed altogether is as follows:
- 502,276 Crowns
- 1,449 Spoiled Treats
- 1,529 Lumps of Coal
- 1,159 Razor Ribbons
- 1,215 Bottomless Stockings
- 606 Indesctructible Giftwraps
- 1 Silver Solstice Ring
- 1 Golden Solstice Ring
The average quantity of materials obtained per run based on 120 full elite runs is as listed:
- 4,186 Crowns
- 12 Spoiled Treats
- 13 Lumps of Coal
- 10 Razor Ribbons
- 10 Bottomless Stockings
- 5 Indestructible Giftwraps
The quantity range of materials obtained per run (ie. The lowest recorded to the highest recorded) based on 120 full elite runs is as stated:
- Crowns: 3,153 - 5,298
- Spoiled Treats: 5 - 21
- Lumps of Coal: 5 - 21
- Razor Ribbons: 3 - 18
- Bottomless Stockings: 3 - 17
- Indestructible Giftwraps: 0 - 11
The estimated % drop chance of each material from any given box, calculated by the taking the total amount of any given material amassed divided by the total number of boxes opened altogether (16,080 Boxes), is as follows:
- Spoiled Treat: 9.01%
- Lump of Coal: 9.51%
* Estimated % drop chance of a 3-star material = 18.52%
- Razor Ribbon: 7.21%
- Bottomless Stocking: 7.56%
* Estimated % drop chance of a 4-star material = 14.76%
- Indestructible Giftwrap = 3.77%
- Silver Solstice Ring = 0.83%
- Gold Solstice Ring = 0.83%
* Estimated % drop chance of a Solstice Ring = 1.67%
Furthermore, an additional spreadsheet has been added to the Google Sheet. This spreadsheet also includes the entries of all other players who tagged along with me on my runs. For obvious reasons, players that have quit midway or were not alive during box openings are not counted into this spreadsheet.
As such, with these players included, a combined total of 215 runs have been recorded.
The average quantity of materials obtained per run based on 215 runs is as listed:
- 4,148 Crowns
- 12 Spoiled Treats
- 13 Lumps of Coal
- 10 Razor Ribbons
- 10 Bottomless Stockings
- 5 Indestructible Giftwraps
The quantity range of materials obtained per run (ie. The lowest recorded to the highest recorded) based on 215 full elite runs is as stated:
- Crowns: 2,710 - 5,298
- Spoiled Treats: 4 - 21
- Lumps of Coal: 5 - 22
- Razor Ribbons: 3 - 18
- Bottomless Stockings: 3 - 19
- Indestructible Giftwraps: 0 - 12
And last but not least, the estimated % drop chance of each material from any given box, calculated by the taking the total amount of any given material amassed divided by the total number of boxes opened altogether (28,810 Boxes), is as follows:
- Spoiled Treat: 9.11%
- Lump of Coal: 9.39%
* Estimated % drop chance of a 3-star material = 18.50%
- Razor Ribbon: 7.37%
- Bottomless Stocking: 7.60%
* Estimated % drop chance of a 4-star material = 14.97%
- Indestructible Giftwrap = 3.77%
- Silver Solstice Ring = 0.47%
- Gold Solstice Ring = 0.47%
* Estimated % drop chance of a Solstice Ring = 0.93%
Aaaand that's it! Thank y'all so much for this epic Grinchlin Assault journey, I'm still ecstatic that I've managed to craft a Grand Solstice Ring without purchasing any rings. That being said, I did buy a silver ring and now I am looking for a gold ring to craft a 2nd Grand Solstice Ring. My offer is 250kcr, if any of y'all are WTS it, please mail me in-game!
Thank you <3
Loved the data!
Looking forward to anything else you come up with!
After a total of 71 runs, I have finally obtained the Golden Solstice Ring, thereby allowing me to craft my very first Grand Solstice Ring! So to summarise...
Silver Solstice Ring was obtained on Run 43.
Golden Solstice Ring was obtained on Run 71.
I will still be continuing to do my runs, as I have a spare Silver Solstice Ring which I had purchased at a bargain price. Hoping to get another Golden Solstice Ring so I can have 2 Grand Solstice Rings :3