The 2023 START!! Giveaway, hosted by Refraizen!

16 replies [Last post]
Refraizen's picture

Welcome! As the title suggests, this is a giveaway hosted by your soft boi doggo, Referoo!
It’s my first one, but I intend to make it as huge as I can to start off the year 2023, since I’m sure many of us experienced quite a lot of “oof” moments in 2022.

Enough about that, let’s catch your attention! This will be a raffle-type event where all participants are given an EQUAL chance to win ANY of the prizes.
A random number generator will be used to choose results.
The number of winners will be 100(+?), with a TOTAL COMBINED VALUE exceeding a million energy!

Before many of you would probably ask, no, I am not quitting or retiring from the game. I will still semi-log onto the game to buy/sell things as usual, and Referoo’s Pupper House will still be up and running. Don’t worry! I’m not going anywhere.

Because this is a large-scale event, I ask that you keep the following in mind for the community, for me, and my sanity.

- One entry per person. Any entry after the first will simply be ignored and make this entire thing more difficult.
- No alternate knights or alternate accounts of any form - respect the one entry per person! I will find out if this is breached, so don’t be a fool. (The penalties will result in the main knight, as well as any alts, to be disqualified from the giveaway without any notice whatsoever. Furthermore, eligibility in any future giveaways, raffles, or events hosted by me will be voided. I am very serious about this.)
- Must be knight rank 7-1 (Defender) or above. This is to further discourage the creation and usage of alts.

The sign-up period is from the creation of this forum thread (January 1st), to 11:59 PM EST on January 7th.

To enter, all you have to do is send an in-game mail to “Refraizen” with the subject “2023 START!!” including your knight’s rank in the message. Additionally, you may share a joke or fun fact, or simply a comment. As long as the subject and rank are included, you will receive confirmation within a day if the entry was successfully received. The content won’t affect your chances of winning, but I will read it and you might get more than a copy-paste confirmation!

Here’s an example:

On the 8th of January, Sunday at 3:00 PM EST, there will be an announcement party in Haven Town Square where I’ll be publicly announcing the winners of each item! Joining in is optional and you can leave anytime during, but you’ll miss out on a lot of fun and lag. I’m bringing buckets, confetti, and fireworks!

The number of winners as well as the prize pool is dynamic!
An initial prize pool accommodates 100 winners, however both the number of prizes and number of winners may increase based on the total number of entries!
Be sure to spread word of this giveaway, because it’ll mean more prizes are given out and more people will win, up to a maximum of 150!
Each participant may only win once.


1.) Caladbolg [ASI VH CTR Med]
2.) Furious Fork
3.) Brandish [ASI VH]
4.) Spiral Soaker [CTR Med]
5.) Spiral Soaker [CTR High]
6.) Deadly Charcoaler
7.) Piggy Banker [CTR Med]
8.) Black Kat Cowl [Stun Max]
9.) Crystalline Defender [Pierce Max, Normal Max, Elemental High]
10.) Ship Wheel
11.) Chapeau of the Malachite Rose + Tabard of the Malachite Rose
12.) Chapeau of the Prismatic Rose + Tabard of the Prismatic Rose
13.) Forever Love Puppy Mask + Crest of Love
14.) Impostoclaus Hat + Winterfest Coat
15.) Obsidian Hood of Devotion + Obsidian Mantle of Devotion
16.) Obsidian Hood of Rituals + Obsidian Mantle of Rituals
17.) ShadowTech Green Buccaneer Bicorne + ShadowTech Green Captain Coat
18.) Sultry Eyes
19.) Divine Drakon Pod
20.) Shadow Drakon Pod
21.) Tabby Seraphynx Pod
22.) Aquamarine Crown + Floating Aquamarines
23.) Diamond Crown + Floating Diamonds
24.) Opal Crown + Floating Opals
25.) Pearl Crown + Floating Pearls
26.) Peridot Crown + Floating Peridots
27.) Turquoise Crown + Floating Turquoises
28.) Amethyst Disciple Wings
29.) Citrine Disciple Wings
30.) Emerald Disciple Wings
31.) Opal Disciple Wings
32.) Pearl Disciple Wings
33.) Turquoise Disciple Wings
34.) Aquamarine Aura
35.) Emerald Aura
36.) Opal Aura
37.) Pearl Aura
38.) Peridot Aura
39.) Ruby Aura
40.) Sapphire Aura
41.) Turquoise Aura
42.) Crown of Winter
43.) Divine Flower
44.) Divine Halo
45.) Prismatic Flower
46.) Glacial Whiskers
47.) Prismatic Round Shades
48.) Prismatic Stagger Star
49.) Prismatic Stunning Shades
50.) Ancient Scarf
51.) Prismatic Heavenly Halo
52.) Prismatic Long Feather
53.) Shadow Scarf
54.) Slumber Scarf + Slumber Wings
55.) Volcanic Scarf
56.) Wicked Gear Halo
57.) Wicked Scarf
58.) Grey Extra Vertical Vents
59.) Prismatic Node Receiver
60.) Shadow Raider Horns
61.) Shadow Vertical Vents
62.) Wild Bone Pendant + Crest of Summer + Crest of Winter
63.) Storming Sealed Pauldrons
64.) Cosmic Plasma Wings
65.) Divine Dragon Wings
66.) Magmatic Fanatic Wings
67.) Magmatic Valkyrie Wings
68.) Prismatic Dragon Wings
69.) Prismatic Pylons
70.) Prismatic Valkyrie Wings
71.) Prismatic Wings
72.) Rainbow Dragon Wings
73.) Shadow Wind-up Key + Shadow Wrench
74.) Shadow Wings
75.) Volcanic Dragon Wings
76.) Volcanic Valkyrie Wings
77.) Volcanic Wings
78.) Voltaic Plasma Wings
79.) Wicked Valkyrie Wings
80.) Wings of Fury
81.) Wings of Rage
82.) Divine Cat Tail
83.) Emerald Cat Tail + Emerald Glasses
84.) Emerald Wolver Tail + Emerald Round Shades
85.) Pearl Wolver Tail + Pearl Hood
86.) Prismatic Extension Cord
87.) Ashtail Slippers
88.) Dusker Slippers
89.) Baleful Aura
90.) Dazed Aura
91.) Fall Leafy Aura
92.) Gold Leafy Aura
93.) Green Leafy Aura
94.) Love Aura
95.) Sunshine Aura
96.) Sprinkle Aura
97.) Soaked Aura
98.) Super Secret Confidential Prize #1
99.) Super Secret Confidential Prize #2
100.) Super Secret Confidential Prize #3

The secret confidential prizes will be revealed after the sign up period ends, but before the giveaway. What could it be!?

Prizes will be given out trade-only, full-inspect may be requested. Even if a winner isn’t around to claim their prize in the announcement party, I’ll reach out to ensure it gets to them.

Discuss, comment, raise hype! I will be monitoring this thread to answer all questions the best that I can. Happy New Years to all, and I hope this’ll help to kickstart a pleasant 2023!

Refraizen's picture

It's literally day 1 of sign-ups and we already have 120+ valid entries! You've all forced my hand as the turnout is greater than initially expected. Keep going for the remaining 40 prizes, and remember to comment or ask any questions down below if interested.
(also editing forum nodes is still broken so I have to place this here.)

Prize Pool Increase #1
101.) Prismatic Ruinous Crystal
102.) Celestial Saber [Gremlin High]
103.) Magmatic Crown
104.) Diamond Aura
105.) Sapphire Crown + Floating Sapphires
106.) Citrine Crown + Floating Citrines
107.) Snowfall Aura
108.) Garnet Disciple Wings
109.) Amethyst Aura
110.) Divine Valkyrie Wings

Massive-Lag-Spikes's picture

I don't play anymore and only ocassionally sift through the forums. Just want to say you're a good doggo, Refraizen. Thanks for your generosity and desire to spread cheer and kindness in the SK community.

Miss fighting with/against you in Lockdown.

Refraizen's picture

@Massive-Lag-Spikes thanks for the kind words. It's been a while since I touched Lockdown but I remember I had a lot of fun with everyone there, I remember you pretty well and the matches were often pretty great. I'm mostly retired now too, but I like to stay around for the people who play. Livening up the community and giving people the happy/exciting moments is part of what makes this game fun!

I also came to the comment section to announce that by the end of day 2, there's well over 200 entries.
Here's another increase in the prize pool!

Prize Pool Increase #2
111.) Node Field Aura
112.) Fiery Aura
113.) Acheron [ASI VH]
114.) Ruby Crown + Floating Rubies
115.) Solar Plasma Wings
116.) Prismatic Plume
117.) Prismatic Gear Halo
118.) Volcanic Halo
119.) Shadow Bomb Bandolier + Shadow Parrying Blade + Shadow Side Blade
120.) CozZzy Halo

Refraizen's picture
Because why not but also 230+

Prize Pool Increase #3
121.) Divine Wings
122.) Volcanic Flower
123.) Volcanic Dust Bunny Tail
124.) Ruby Disciple Wings
125.) Wings of Frenzy
126.) Prismatic Scarf
127.) Crown of Summer
128.) The Final Gasp
129.) Hacked Aura
130.) Emerald Crown + Floating Emeralds

Refraizen's picture
I might as well release the remaining prizes

Prize Pool Increase #4
131.) Volcanic Whiskers
132.) Obsidian Hood of Influence + Obsidian Hood of Influence
133.) Grand Solstice Ring
134.) Amethyst Crown + Floating Amethysts
135.) Garnet Aura
136.) Crest of Curse
137.) Citrine Aura
138.) Flame Aura
139.) Diamond Disciple Wings
140.) Wolver Slippers

Refraizen's picture
because we're nearing 300 entries anyway

Prize Pool Increase #5
141.) Obsidian Hood of Sight + Obsidian Mantle of Sight
142.) Voltaic Radical Mask + Voltaic Radical Suit
143.) Shadow Valkyrie Wings
144.) Orbit Aura
145.) Peridot Disciple Wings
146.) Black Kat Cowl [Shock Max]
147.) Garnet Crown + Floating Garnets
148.) Aquamarine Disciple Wings
149.) Divine Wolver Tail
150.) Sapphire Disciple Wings

But the secret confidential prizes will remain hidden until after the sign-ups are over because yes >:)


Hi D: i put 10-3 (vanguard) on the IGM but the game show 10-2 in rank mission lol

do i need resend the mail putting the 10-2? :c

thanks for do this event.
sk is alive ostiaaaa!

Refraizen's picture
It's all good!

@Romanici If you finished all the missions it would be 10-3, it's shown on the top right of the tab when you open missions, next to the X.
Regardless though, the rank is only needed to ensure that you're over Defender rank so it's not a huge deal whether you mail 10-2 or 10-3.

Hello. Just wondering if I

Just wondering if I can signup without sending the mail ingame. Im away from home and wont be back until the 10th.

Refraizen's picture

@Vanava Thanks for reaching out here on the forums!
I'll make this exception and add you into the list of participants, as long as you're over the rank requirement. I understand that people may not be able to log on for various reasons, including family/vacation, and that's okay! It never hurts just to check in and ask. I have preventative measures in the off-chance that any winner is under the rank requirement anyway, so from this comment I've successfully received your entry.

I know it's the last three hours of sign-ins, but if anybody else cannot login to send an entry mail, I'll monitor this thread until it is over. Thanks!

Refraizen's picture
Thanks for participating!

The time to sign in for this giveaway is officially over! I am currently processing all the participants, prizes, winners, and the various numbers here and there. If you've got the time, come check out the announcement party tomorrow, Sunday the 8th at 3PM EST! I hope it'll be fun!

I realized that it's very possible that due the number of people, it may cause servers to crash and people may not be able to join because of that. For that reason, I've decided to stream it (hopefully I don't crash) on Twitch! It would be under the same name as seen here, Refraizen. It might be pretty bad though, I've never streamed before or anything. :P But hey, better than leaving people out!

Right right, here are the confidential prizes.

Super Secret Confidential Prize #1 = Airbraker Shield
Super Secret Confidential Prize #2 = Silver Personal Color
Super Secret Confidential Prize #3 = Rainbow Aura

After the winners are announced, a full list of all prizes and winners will be posted here in the comments section, probably in two different comments since forums and still stupid kthx. Good luck to everyone who entered!

Refraizen's picture
List of Winners & Prizes

CTRL + F to look for names or prizes! Thank you for joining, and the announcement party was a lot of fun, super laggy too lmao.
This is broken up in 2 parts btw, the ^ means it's already claimed. I'll hunt everyone down to get them their prizes :P

To claim the prize, it is trade-only! Contact me in-game @Refraizen, or DM me on Discord @Teddy#3851!
Additionally, if you missed the announcement party but want to check it out, it's a vod on Twitch @ refraizen

(Spark-Of-Kill) - Chapeau of the Malachite Rose + Tabard of the Malachite Rose ^
(Yatez) - Volcanic Halo ^
(Gome-Xyz) - Love Aura ^
(Runs-Around-Haven) - Obsidian Hood of Sight + Obsidian Mantle of Sight ^
(Lyrose) - Citrine Disciple Wings ^
(Tealplumes) - Magmatic Fanatic Wings ^
(Hhgo) - Garnet Disciple Wings ^
(Bidoknight) - Baleful Aura ^
(Xenoyaut) - Pearl Disciple Wings ^
(Lt-Phantom) - Volcanic Valkyrie Wings ^
(Darkitoxx) - Sunshine Aura ^
(Clickpear) - Emerald Aura ^
(Ian-Is-Trash) - Orbit Aura ^
(Phantenemo) - Dazed Aura ^
(Weak-Hell) - Piggy Banker [CTR Med] ^
(Theirillusion) - Tabby Seraphynx Pod ^
(Sosa-Baby) - Sapphire Aura ^
(Xizaed) - Emerald Disciple Wings
(Points) - Hacked Aura ^
(Snarrul) - Garnet Crown + Floating Garnets ^
(Suchy-Sp) - Volcanic Dragon Wings ^
(Zoak) - Furious Fork ^
(Malabu) - Ashtail Slippers
(Cris-Killer) - Rainbow Dragon Wings ^
(Lolight) - Prismatic Stunning Shades ^
(Sylvieon) - Shadow Bomb Bandolier + Shadow Parrying Blade + Shadow Side Blade ^
(Swaggadon) - Prismatic Plume ^
(Mogary) - Amethyst Aura ^
(Rico-Macaca) - Diamond Disciple Wings ^
(Genras) - Wings of Frenzy
(Muratakan) - Amethyst Disciple Wings ^
(Bestial-Imp) - Prismatic Wings ^
(Heavensworn) - Voltaic Radical Mask + Voltaic Radical Suit ^
(Red-Dragoon-Fr) - Shadow Drakon Pod
(Saten-Oo) - Volcanic Flower
(Eoun) - Gold Leafy Aura ^
(Evolz) - Chapeau of the Prismatic Rose + Tabard of the Prismatic Rose ^
(Fire-Nd) - Peridot Crown + Floating Peridots ^
(Aerros) - Divine Wolver Tail ^
(Bowas) - Sapphire Disciple Wings ^
(Captnight) - Ruby Aura ^
(Nevilk) - Spiral Soaker [CTR High] ^
(Shieldbasherbrono) - Aquamarine Crown + Floating Aquamarines ^
(Lunwinghim-Hk) - Ancient Scarf ^
(Spectral-Nautilus) - Aquamarine Disciple Wings ^
(Holaka) - Volcanic Wings ^
(Ender-Foyyl) - Diamond Crown + Floating Diamonds ^
(The-Tnt-Lovers) - Ruby Disciple Wings ^
(Herospeed) - Prismatic Round Shades ^
(Pawsmack) - Peridot Disciple Wings ^
(Zeyphy) - Black Kat Cowl [Stun Max] ^
(Dhelf) - Pearl Crown + Floating Pearls ^
(Avychendo) - Turquoise Aura ^
(Miss-Serena) - Prismatic Gear Halo ^
(Mustangod) - Impostoclaus Hat + Winterfest Coat ^
(Anguished-One) - Sprinkle Aura ^
(Drvgs) - Prismatic Long Feather ^
(Supamerlin) - Crown of Winter ^
(Robmm) - Wings of Fury ^
(Shinmon-Benimaru) - Brandish [ASI VH] ^
(Wavara) - Flame Aura
(Kerom) - Wicked Scarf ^
(Acarias) - Ruby Crown + Floating Rubies ^
(Volta-Stryker) - Dusker Slippers ^
(Shanguy) - Rainbow Aura - SUPER SECRET CONFIDENTIAL PRIZE #3 ^
(Lavend-Er) - Prismatic Scarf ^
(Jpng) - Magmatic Crown ^
(Spiral-Destroer) - Solar Plasma Wings ^
(Revelss) - Obsidian Hood of Rituals + Obsidian Mantle of Rituals ^
(Babisomangas) - Glacial Whiskers ^
(Hatn) - Obsidian Hood of Influence + Obsidian Hood of Influence ^
(Frosty-Pretender) - Celestial Saber [Gremlin High] ^
(Caporex) - Volcanic Scarf ^
(Gingersrule) - Shadow Wind-up Key + Shadow Wrench ^
(Sendhix) - Black Kat Cowl [Shock Max] ^

Refraizen's picture
List of Winners & Prizes 2

(Silent-Bullet) - Silver Personal Color - SUPER SECRET CONFIDENTIAL PRIZE #2 ^
(Dazzu) - Crown of Summer ^
(Lizzard-Kingg) - Cosmic Plasma Wings ^
(Anchoreight) - Sapphire Crown + Floating Sapphire ^
(Qrowley) - Prismatic Heavenly Halo ^
(Srgmanthesecond) - Node Field Aura ^
(Tricky-Harvester) - Voltaic Plasma Wings
(Erazems) - Opal Crown + Floating Opals ^
(Atticus-Shivers) - Prismatic Ruinous Crystal ^
(Zenrae) - Airbraker Shield - SUPER SECRET CONFIDENTIAL PRIZE #1 ^
(Mr-Yoolaw) - Opal Aura ^
(Thinefaron) - Diamond Aura ^
(Lord-Painblade) - Crystalline Defender [Pierce Max, Normal Max, Elemental High] ^
(Deeply) - Opal Disciple Wings ^
(Xyloid) - Aquamarine Aura ^
(Lautrecs) - Spiral Soaker [CTR Med] ^
(Legendarios) - Pearl Aura ^
(Ivalyth) - Emerald Wolver Tail + Emerald Round Shades ^
(Thagx) - Prismatic Flower ^
(The-Legend-Soldier) - Deadly Charcoaler
(Wukasin) - Shadow Scarf
(Brul) - Shadow Wings
(Crackin-Dope) - Fiery Aura ^
(Johnvinay) - Prismatic Stagger Star ^
(Blowing-Bubbles) - Peridot Aura ^
(Ethereal-Wanderer) - Pearl Wolver Tail + Pearl Hood ^
(Sir-Porkchop) - Storming Sealed Pauldrons ^
(Otterr) - Wings of Rage ^
(Dashy-Yhsad) - Snowfall Aura ^
(Smegahd) - Divine Dragon Wings
(Dungeon-Guardian) - Shadow Raider Horns
(Geari-Cat) - Emerald Cat Tail + Emerald Glasses ^
(Zhaiandy) - Slumber Scarf + Slumber Wings ^
(Tobg) - Turquoise Disciple Wings
(The-Lol-Dog) - Prismatic Pylons ^
(Proiuyt) - Caladbolg [ASI VH CTR Med] ^
(Zainj) - Ship Wheel ^
(Irishespeon) - Soaked Aura ^
(Elegna-Reborn) - Divine Wings ^
(Deadmock) - Divine Flower ^
(Mad-Boyy) - Grey Extra Vertical Vents ^
(Interstellar-San) - Green Leafy Aura ^
(Cddsd) - Divine Cat Tail ^
(Red-Wave) - Prismatic Dragon Wings ^
(Tristan-Tate) - Obsidian Hood of Devotion + Obsidian Mantle of Devotion
(Cuteblossom) - Volcanic Whiskers ^
(Sinchee) - Grand Solstice Ring ^
(Clown-Town-Mayor) - Turquoise Crown + Floating Turquoises ^
(Jwfc) - Prismatic Node Receiver ^
(Cs-John) - Sultry Eyes ^
(Myrtle) - Divine Valkyrie Wings ^
(Unbright) - Shadow Valkyrie Wings ^
(Young-Bucks) - Magmatic Valkyrie Wings
(Fatshieldon) - Divine Halo ^
(Ryousen) - Wild Bone Pendant + Crest of Summer + Crest of Winter
(Rubyouo) - Volcanic Dust Bunny Tail ^
(Blazerplayer) - Crest of Curse ^
(Cynthia-Gnr) - Citrine Crown + Floating Citrines ^
(Spykev) - Prismatic Valkyrie Wings ^
(Bizly) - Amethyst Crown + Floating Amethysts
(Tw-Aiden) - Wicked Gear Halo ^
(Jonah-Pupella) - Divine Drakon Pod ^
(Rekor) - Forever Love Puppy Mask + Crest of Love ^
(Digitalunity) - Shadow Vertical Vents ^
(Feron-Knight) - ShadowTech Green Buccaneer Bicorne + ShadowTech Green Captain Coat ^
(Sir-Whos) - Wicked Valkyrie Wings ^
(Blue-Skylar) - Wolver Slippers ^
(Jackarseo) - Citrine Aura ^
(Moddytheblob) - Garnet Aura ^
(Angellokill) - Emerald Crown + Floating Emeralds ^
(Vanava) - The Final Gasp ^
(Ftaggs) - Prismatic Extension Cord ^
(Zeyirox) - Fall Leafy Aura ^
(Stoke-Th) - CozZzy Halo ^
(Karu-Sama) - Acheron [ASI VH] ^

Refraizen's picture
Hi guys, sad but happy news

Heyo, I'm undergoing the process of culling through winners/participants since I didn't have that much time before and unfortunately I've discovered some alts late into the giveaway. For those people, I am banning from future events and revoking their prize to be re-raffled later.

So, I'll contact those who won the re-raffle pool. Same rules apply, no double winners so people who already won cannot get any of these. :P

Eoun's picture
Thank you!

The prize was delivered whoaaaa 10/10 would sign-up again. Maybe next time I actually lose like I was planning to xD

Refraizen's picture

I sent out an in-game mail to all people who won but have not yet claimed their prize.

Another two weeks or so and I'm probably going to just give them away.