Valentine's Day Art Event

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Sylvieon's picture

Heya. It's event time.
Since Valentine's day is coming up, lets market on the love themed vibes, and put that into artistic form.

If any of you have seen me around on any Spiral Knights related discord server, you'd know there's this on-going inside joke of me asking my close friends when they're going to take me out on a soup date. This time, we're turning the tables, and you're the one taking your Spiral Knights friend or significant other on how you envision a date for Valentine's day. The goal of this event is to draw this scenario with your knights. This could be to show some love (even platonically) to an important person, or simply to pull their leg and draw this as a joke. (Also for extra humor, I too am on the table as a date ;))

The prize will be a pool of 15-30ke depending on how many participants we get, distributed to each participant depending on their art piece alone. In the end, everyone participating will be getting some energy prize. How large of a prize it is depends on the level of your entry. Full scale, chibi, headshot, 3D models, sketched, fully colored/shaded, or any style/size is welcome, as long as the concept is conveyed well enough. This energy prize will be co-funded by myself, Refraizen, and Carbon-Jm.

For the more competitive side, the top 3 entries will be getting additional item prizes as listed below:
1st place - Heart eyes from anonymous sponsor (ooo spooky)
2nd place - Lovely Bomb Bandolier from Refraizen
3rd place - Crest of Love from Sylvieon
(Wow, all love themed, and the host also mains a lovely costume, so canon for the event.)

Lastly, every participant will be added to a raffle, where a winner randomly drawn will win a custom emote of their knight drawn by Ainogommon.
Huge thanks to everyone helping to fund this event and making it possible.

Judging will be done by a select few friends of mine, old players from Spiral Knights who are out of touch with the current community. This is to encourage fair judging for the art and concept alone, leaving the artist's identity or fame in the community out from any biases.

General guidelines for your entry:
-Must contain two knights who are real and distinct playing characters (No NPCs or your own alts, sorry Kozma fans)
-One of the knights must be your own knight.
-The artwork must have your IGN written in some place.
-You can draw more than two knights if it compliments the idea, but it may be more effort than it's worth.
-Costumes of the knights drawn need not be one that they actually own, and it could also be one that they wish to make/can't afford or something of the sort.
-You don't win anything for this, but you can add a cute/funny joke/caption/lore to go with the piece when you submit it for extra style. This is optional though.

If you plan to participate, please contact me in advance to plan more accordingly.
Edit: after speaking to the participants who've told me they're taking part in advance, it looks like an extension is needed. So, this event will now be ending on March 7th in your own timezone. Results will be posted within a week after.

Entries may be sent to me either by discord (SyIvieon#2138), or posted as a mediafire/imgur link here, or imgur link mailed to me in game. For any questions, you can contact me the same way.
All entries will be posted here when submitted.

Lastly, this event will be hosted across The Arcade, Kozma's Backpack, and The Snipe Garden discord servers as well, so huge thanks to them for helping to promote this event further. Be sure to check them out, either for general use, or to join in on banter/discussion related to the event.

Thank you all for reading, and hope to see ya join!

Sylvieon's picture
The final entries

Heya! Without further ado, the event is finally over, with 10 entries which will now be posted below.

Firstly, I'd like to thank Ainogommon for promoting the event over his twitter with an amazing sample entry (although breaking some rules >:( jkjk).
You can check out the entry over at:

Now for the entries. The captions to the pieces are on the imgur post as well.

Results will be posted in a few days.











Thanks to everyone for entering, and be on the lookout for the results announcements and the prizes being sent to you.

Sylvieon's picture
Results of the contest

Hello, we've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty- I mean uhhh-

Heya. The judging for the event is finally over.

Before I give out the results, I'd like to elaborate on the judging scheme I'd used for this event, to see if it would be a good idea to use for further events.
In short, I'd sent the forum link to 5 judges to read up on, and review the entry. These judges were selected from old friends of mine from spiral knights who have no clue of the current community, to eliminate any form of biases or favoritism from judging. I'd asked these judges to upvote 5 entries, and downvote the other 5, and also provide me their choices for top 3.
For each entry, a base prize of 3000 energy was assigned. For each upvote or downvote, these would increase or decrease by 200 energy.
For the top 3 section, each judge's votes are assigned as 1st place = 3 points, 2nd place = 2 points, and 3rd place = 1 point, with the total points from all judges taken in the end.

Please do let me know if either of these systems are viable to be reused for future events, or if anyone has any issues, as this is just my experimental way of forming events such that everyone gets a fair prize.

Without further ado, the results:
1st place: Beroki, winning heart eyes
2nd place: Anahata, winning a lovely bomb bandolier
3rd place: Orions-Belt, winning a crest of love

Raffle prize: Bombmanben wins a custom emote commission from Ainogommon.

But wait, there's more! Mushspore has decided to add a random prize of 42 energy (Wow so much, thanks Mush). And the winner of this is Out-In-Public.

All the prizes will be sent shortly, and the details of upvotes/downvotes will be sent to them privately if they request it.

Thanks to everyone who participated. Love the amazing entries, and do let me know how I can improve the next event, so I can see ya there too.