Kozma's Backpack Live Auction Feb 2023

2 replies [Last post]
Sylvieon's picture

Heya. From the staff team of Kozma's Backpack, the community's trading discord server, we're bringing you the first edition of the Community live auctions.
These will be hosted on the second Saturday every 2 months, with the first one being on February 11th at 7pm GMT/2pm EST.

This edition will be held in the Sexy Knights guild hall, and at different venues each time.

To enter please submit the items you wish to auction and your main knight name on this form: https://forms.gle/uqkiUvfuL5CNMqXQ6
Items being sold and their starting bids will be listed anonymously on this forum node's replies. Remember, items will be bids only. No buy outs.
Each player can auction a maximum of 5 items, this to ensure equal opportunity to everyone.
The form closes and items will be listed 42 hours before the event.

the following list contains items banned from being auctioned:
- rarities
- non-event/shadow lair/boss trophy materials
- anything else we deem unfit

During the event each auctioneer will be called to auction their items one at a time.
Players in the audience may place outbids by typing the number they're outbidding by in the chat.
Bids will be in the currency the auctioneer specifies with the starting bid.

So that we're not stuck for hours on outbids of 1cr each, minimum outbid will be as follows:
current bid -> minimum outbid amount

0+ -> 100
1,000+ -> 500
10,000+ -> 1,000
50,000+ -> 5,000
100,000+ -> 10,000
500,000+ -> 25,000
1,000,000+ -> 50,000

0+ -> 100
5,000+ -> 250
10,000+ -> 500
25,000+ -> 1,000
50,000+ -> 2,000
100,000+ -> 5,000

Please note that:
-There's always a chance for items to undersell or not sell at all, so pick items to auction at your own risk.
-Refusing to go through with a trade after bidding/auctioning is not within our control, but it may reflect poorly on you as a merchant, and we may not consider your item listings in future auctions if this is a repeated action.
-The merits to joining this are potentially quick selling items and avoiding auction house fees.
-Alts are not allowed for either auctioning nor bidding. If any alt is found, that player will be banned from further live auctions.

For any questions, please contact any Kozma's Backpack staff member.
Thanks for reading, and hope to see ya there at the auction B)

Sylvieon's picture
Items being auctioned

The list of items being auctioned and their starting bids are:
Red battle chef set - 1 energy - sold for 30k energy
Pearl scarf - 3k energy - sold for 3ke
Sapphire scarf - 3k energy - sold for 3ke
Volcanic dust bunny tail - 5k energy - unsold
Dusker slippers - 1 energy - sold for 15k energy
Snowflake eyes - 125k crowns - player didn't show up
Radiant forge prize box - 70k crowns - player didn't show up
Punkin sprouts (5x) - 30k crowns - player didn't show up
Anti hazard spikes - 2.5 mil crowns - unsold
Polar cat tail - 1 mil crowns - unsold
Grey splendid topper - 2.5 mil crowns - unsold
Magmatic fanatic wings - 1.3 mil crowns - unsold
Wayward compass - 1.1 mil crowns - unsold
Electric scarf - 3500 energy - unsold
Wicked scarf - 3500 energy - sold for 5ke
Dazed vertical vents - 3500 energy - sold for 3.5ke
Combuster asi h - 5ke - sold for 5ke
Fancy extra vertical vents - 3500 energy - unsold
Spiral soaker ctr h - 15k energy - sold for 26k energy
Orbit aura - 10k energy - sold for 11k energy
Divine wolver tail - 5ke - sold for 7ke
Polar cat tail - 750kcr - unsold
Polar twilight wolf set - 400kcr - unsold
Citrine stranger robe - 60k crowns - sold for 100k crowns
prismatic gear halo - 800kcr - unsold
blitz needle ctr vh - 1.2milcr - sold for 1.2 mil cr
polar smashing mustache - 10kcr - sold for 60kcr
polar monocle - 1kcr - sold for 11kcr
furious asi vh - 1.2mil cr - unsold
Voltaic plasma wings - 18k energy - unsold
Dusky sealed pauldrons - 6ke - unsold
Spiral soaker ctr h - 26ke - unsold
Dangerous dragon wings - 3mil crowns - sold for 3 mil crowns
Divine Dragon Wings - 13ke - unsold
Divine Valkyrie Wings - 15ke - unsold
Volcanic Whiskers - 6ke - sold for 6ke
Iron slug ctr vh asi low - 30ke - unsold
Buccaneer broadsider - 70ke - unsold

Sylvieon's picture
Thanks for joining

Alright, the auction has just ended. Thanks to everyone who joined.
We had quite a few last minute entries, and the auction ended up going better than expected.
The items sold and their prices have been updated above.

We look forward to further participation in the next auction, which will be on April 8th. Information about that will be posted 2 weeks prior.
We'd appreciate any and all feedback about the auction so that we may improve the experience next time around. This can be sent to us on the feedback forum in Kozma's Backpack discord, or via mail in game.

Thanks again, and hope to see y'all next time.