Spiral Knights Discords and Gaming Communities
Thu, 03/30/2023 - 18:16
Hi, I really love playing Spiral Knights!
I was just wondering if there's any large bodies of active players and where I can find them?
I was logged on at 10PM GMT+0/UTC+0 last night and there was like 4 people max in any Haven.
Just post them here cause' I really want to start playing this game regularly again, but I never know when to log in.
Mon, 04/03/2023 - 10:38

Kozma's Backpack
Imagine not adding Kozma's Backpack, the merchant discord with price logs to use as reference for trading. Smh. Don't worry, I got you though.
Additionally there's also The Snipe Garden for art, and Fortune Knights for the spiral knights rp. All the mentioned servers and their invites can be found on the server portal channel on each server.
There are a few discord servers with the majority of the player base there.
I'm not sure about ToS about directing you to them but I'll link some anyway. You can always easily search them on google or ask people in game
Haven: Spiral Knights - https://discord.gg/knight-launcher-653349356459786240
The Arcade - https://discord.gg/the-arcade-147086422006824962
The Furnace - https://discord.gg/vuTDmXVm
There are not many people playing the game and the only times you will see more players is seasonal and based on events. Mainly around Cyber Monday do you see a spike.