Cant edit the wiki 403 forbidden error

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Peakyrr's picture

Hi all,

I have been trying to update my guilds wiki page recently to be met with *403 forbidden* when i try to save the changes. I can edit each of the sections individually with no problem by clicking the little edit button, but i try to edit the whole page *403 forbidden*. Could anyone suggest what may be going on here? The account i am using here and for the wiki is not my main account, it is a separate account i use for the forum and the wiki (my main account is a steam account and cant login to here). I do not actually use the account in game (i have tested jumping in and running a single level). I also get the same error on any page within the wiki.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

403 Forbidden

I know of 2 reasons that cause this error:
- the text you are submitting is too long
- the text you are submitting contains "forbidden phrases" (" styIe=" is one of them)
- there may be other reasons I don't know about

Because you could edit individual sections but not the page as a whole, I guess you got the error because of the first reason.

There are workarounds for both causes, but they may be quite inconvenient.

If you can't edit the page because the text is too long, you can edit individual sections instead (just as you did). If the section is also too long, you may need to split it up (and then maybe delete the split somehow?). Alternatively, you can create subpages and then transclude them within the main page (if you know how to do that), but do this only as a last resort.

If you can't edit the text because if contains the phrase " styIe=", you can replace it with " style{{=}}" and it should work. You can also put the text with the phrase inside <includeonly> tags (if you know what they do) and it won't trigger the error for some reason, but you generally don't want to do that.

Peakyrr's picture
Thank you very much, this has

Thank you very much, this has answered my question, ill be able to get the job done now, albeit with a bit of workaround.