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A very valuable object has disappeared from my inventory, I have more than 3000 hours played, please help.

1 Antwort [Letzter Beitrag]

Hello, I would like to know what happens if at the moment of entering the game some object is missing, in my case I have not entered for a long time and I entered and I did not have my most valuable item in my possession, a voltedge weapon with maximum charge time reduction, I imagine that they must know how difficult it was to get it at the time, now I go in and I don't have it, I don't understand what happened, I have never given my account to anyone and I would like to know if they could give me more information on this subject , if there is any exchange history in my account, I would appreciate it since it is the only thing that made my game fun, I hope a prompt response, regards

Excuse my translation, I speak Spanish but due to the administration changes I think that there is no support in that language.

Bild des Benutzers Bopp
tech support

I'm sorry that you lost your Voltedge. The players on this forum can't help you. You need to contact Tech Support. Good luck.