Ragtag's Suggestion page!

15 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Kx-Ragtag

Hey hey howdy, fellow knights! It's ragtag, visiting over from the steam community with some suggestions for the game! i've played a good while and I'm super aware the game is in stunlock and probably not going to get any major updates (; _; ), but i thought i would make some suggestions for smaller (and maybe a few more involved) things in the hopes out kindly dev overloards might take ideas from them!

for my first post, i wanna talk about armor ideas!
The shadow armor merchant feels kinda sad with only the handful of armor, so maybe they could make a variant based on those red phantom guys in the graveyard? You could make it a very slim design and give it some ragged curse-marked robes like those kat cloaks have at low levels in its final form instead of the big armored plates the current shadow armor has? It could be a lighter design with less normal defense and maybe weak to cursing but instead gets a boost to movement speed or attacking speed like the phantoms have, and the helmet could be more of a close-fitting round helm thing with spikes and wisps of specter energy coming off of the rim of it.

Another idea that would be cool to see is to have an armor themed after zombies, where it has high shadow defense and stun resist but saps your movement speed. Maybe have a firestorm castle themed one that includes fire resistance but makes to weak to freezing and curse or something....

I guess the piercing armor merchant is in the same boat though? maybe a set of lichen armor would work for them, where as you upgrade the armor it gets more purple and spiky maybe gaining a charge reduction boost then gaining movement speed and finally getting an attack speed boost as the armor gets more overgrown with lichen cores instead of resistances. Visually, it could start out like culet armor, but with the lichen core for the chest piece with the lichen expanding and gaining cores at the hip plates and along the sword arm giving it a big lichen shoulderpad and spines down the glove. And the helmet could be like a tailed helm but with a slimy front piece that gains more cores and spikes as it upgrades, maybe even the tails end up becoming transparent with lichen cores!

Or maybe a special set of armor that boosts piercing attacks? Something with the heavy plated armor on the chest of bomber armors, but with the lighter arms of the scale mail armors and the big poofy leg armor on the plate mail armor? You could fluff it as being assault specialist gear from the war on isora or whatever it is in the spiral knights history, maybe give it color-linked hazard lines on the armor.

Actually a damage type bonus sounds fun! Maybe there could be a cute devilite-themed set that boosts shadow damage and looks more business suit-y as it gets upgraded, with fun elemental defense variants! and an elemental damage boost version of the owlite cloaks that gives status resist bonuses and comes with a trade off of less damage to beasts for the elemental damage increase? actually, having a damage down penalty on all of them might be a good idea. Like maybe the Devilite armor has less construct damage since they don't have souls to hurt and the assault gear is reduced damage to undead because the old gear doesn't account for supernatural stuff?

Anyways! I'll be back to post my next set of ideas some other time! have fun everyone!

Imagen de Kx-Ragtag
Ragtag's suggestion page 2!

Hey everyone! Not a lot of chatter about my ideas but that's fine, because i'm back for the next entry!

This time, lets talk about shields!
You know what would be neat? If the elemental protoshields like emberbreak and frostbreaker got an upgrade, but where you combined the three shields! Instead of going 3 Star-> 4 Star -> 5 Star versions for each shield, you combined all three 3 Star shields into one 5 Star shield that gave you resistances to all three effects! Maybe to balance it they could give it lackluster normal defense or make it vulnerable to stun since it'd still just be buckler sized. I like the glowing panel thing they do, so i think it'd be great to have a high-level version where it's the same little buckler but there's a big screen of the glowing panels in front of it. Maybe have those little energy symbols from the older bucklers on the corner studs of the new one or something to tie them together too. The only problem is you'd need some way to prioritize it if you have multiple shields with bonus stats on them, so maybe it's too hard.

And a shield the match the alternative shadow armor would also be good, instead of each level getting bigger and chunkier, it could have the edges get more twisty and it gets a spike in the center, and at 5* the center could be a skull with a spike in it's forehead. It could have lower health and a special charge animation where it causes more damage but very little knockback, like a reverse of the tortodron shields! Or maybe you could save that for a special version, like one tied to the collector missions....

And what about a gun-boosting shield, like the swiftstrike? Instead of the shield giving attack speed it could reduce charging times for guns! maybe a teardrop-shaped shield with an obvious holster in the back side of it? Or maybe the whole shield could be a holster, hanging from the knight's hand? Or what about a buckler with a targeting laser part that lights up when charging attacks?

Also what if there were shield trinkets? Like trinkets that gave a boost to how fast you get shield energy back, or cuts down the delay until it starts regening? Having the option to change up how you can use your shield could make for some interesting combat choices!

Welp, that's all for now! i don't have a lot of ideas for shields, so this is kind of a short one but lemme know what you think about them! I'll be back to post the next set of ideas another time! Have fun in the clockworks!

Imagen de Kx-Ragtag
Ragtag's suggestion page tidbit!

I was just thinking while i sat in haven, what if we got boxes with outfits the same color as the generic spiral order troops? we have a lot of outfits but none of them are the standard grunt gear. I'd like to be able to dress as those guys! Maybe they could include accessories like those little bags that various outfits have and the ranking badges in different colors! i've really wanted to get better badges than the foursquare ones in different colors.

Maybe the boxes could be cheaper than the normal ones....or they could be rewards randomly handed out to players that spend a lot of time in the clockworks each week! Or maybe some kind of mineral-based raffle thing, where you input the minerals we get from the clockworks for raffle tickets and at the end of the week you can exchange the tickets for boxes?

Imagen de Kx-Ragtag
Ragtag's third suggestion page!

What's the good word, fellow knights! I'm back, and i've got some ideas i really like- Guns!

One thing that'd be cool to see is heavy weapons like rocket launchers! We already have bombs, which you have to charge before they can be "fired", so what if we had big heavy guns like rocket launchers that did the same thing where you charged them before they can fire for a big blast!
Something really powerful but that requires good aiming like the lasers from the turret item, or the rockets those turret statues fire? Or a big blast kinda like the catalyser where when it hits an enemy it sticks and draws all the other enemies onto it before it explodes? Or maybe like a flamethrower, where it lays out a path of fire to damage enemies for a couple seconds while you walk around, with other element versions spraying goop or highly irate wisps at the enemies!

They wouldn't have the ability to fire without charging so they couldn't replace guns at all but they'd be a great addition for a group with teamwork! since you need to charge the gun to ready a shot you'd need to work with your teammates more. you'd have to have better control of where you can fire but you'd have better damage from your attacks in exchange.

On a more personal suggestion, I'd like a version of the 5-star blasters that exchanges the large charged shot for a burst of smaller shots in a spread. i don't find a lot of use for the slow larger blast and having an accurate blaster with the option of a spread shot would be great! I'd like to make them visibly distinct by removing that big blade under the gun barrel and adding like a targeting laser on the side of instead, i don't think the big blade on it looks good. And you could replace the ribbon hanging from the handle with a but little charm! the different guns could have different symbols on the charm bangles even, with the spiral order on the normal one, and the gremlin symbol on the shadow version, and so on. I think it would be a lot of fun!

The antigua line lacks a "normal" option, which i feel is a bit unfortunate, so maybe it could get a more spiral knight flavored skin that does away with the supernatural stuff in the current development paths and makes it closer to how the stuff that's issued to knights looks? It could fit the knight's color scheme with a silver finish under blued steel highlights and a bright red grip, with the big animal sight on the barrel being the horse from the order's flag. The charged attack could finish the burst with the same shot as the 4-star versions of the gun.

There could even be a crimson order version of the gun's upgrade, where the charged attack is just a single high speed piercing bullet like a sniper round, and the gun just keeps the original drab finish in the upgrades with a crimson order symbol at the handle and gains sights in the shape of the gun puppies! it could even have a unique gremliny bonus like causing extra damage to an enemy hit with the stun condition although i don't know if that'd be workable. Oh! Or you could give it a roarumlous twins theme, and make it so each shot has a chance to cause shock, then the double gun puppy sights would be thematic and you could give it a fancy red paint-job! you could even have it be upgraded in the sanctuary alchemy station like a special reward similar to the armors!

Imagen de Kx-Ragtag
The next Suggestion page, by Ragtag!

How's it goin' Fellow forumin' knights? Ready to consider the next suggestions i have? Because it's time for some sharp sword suggestions!

Swords are pretty popular to use as a main weapon, but they're mostly tied up into variants of a few lines of weapon. for one example there hasn't been much love for the low-level gremlin stuff like the wrench wand and thwacker, but they are pretty neat. For higher level versions, the thwacker would be fun as it is, maybe have the charge attack be replaced at higher levels with the big smash blow followed up by a wide sweep attack like the gremlins do or that boomerang throw attack. The higher level versions could get shinier with added plating to reinforce the wrench head and maybe even put the emberlight emblem on them. You could have them rarelty show up in Emberlight's store and it would be fun to use the gremlin's weapons against them! Since we have weapons at high level that do normal plus a bonus to ghosts and gloops and growlies, adding one for whacking weapons is just filling out the options!

The wrench wand could do a lot of things too, since those little gremlins are using two of them with various minerals the upgrades could include any element typing or status effect!
You could even have them paired, since those shadow blades already let you hold an off-hand accessory to a sword you could pair each upgrade with a second wrench in a reverse grip so they could use any combo of minerals together with the charge attack! And since it has that unique charge attack, you could have a shadow wand that shoots burning blasts or a piercing wand that does curse projectiles! Maybe they could be special upgrade recipes that drop from high-tier gremlin fights, or they could sell them special in emberlight or maybe have an new DLC or danger mission where we have to fight off crimson order spies in emberlight-style maps where they drop? There's a lot of interesting potential in these!

While we're talking about the enemy's weapons, I like those short swords trojans wield. What if we could use them? You could have them them make wide swings like the defender swords but swing faster and way less knockback, so they'd be good as an offensive weapon for packs that doesn't move the enemy around too much! There could be a shadow damage trojan version and "spiral order approved" normal damage design, and maybe use a faster but smaller charged slam attack that centers the impact blast under the sword instead of out past it. Or have the aura blast trojans do when they power up for a charged attack, but maybe not with the actual power boost. You could even have a special 5* version that looks like Vanaduke's mace, maybe cause it to leave a big flame patch with a charged slam attack that causes burning to enemies that get hit by the blast or pass over it. I think it'd be neat to add to that alchemy machine at the end of shadow lairs, themed special weapons would make good bragging rights stuff.

Also i think some more variety for the cutter line would be nice. What about a shadow damage version, like the phantoms in the graveyards have? They could get darker and have glowing swirls on them as they level up and the charge attack could have a pushing forward combo like the fencing swords and create a close-range bullet in front of it that causes curse at the end of it. Or maybe we could get something more silly, like a nail bat version that does piercing damage and have fun bonking hit sound! Or a regular bat, that does stun instead of bonus damage on animals!

The sealed sword could also have a normal option, where the spiral order replaces the seals with a stabliser of some kind for the crossguard. It could get an increasing chance of status effects on the sealed sword charged attack with each upgrade and the blade could get those glowy lines around the hilt instead of the blade in blue or green with spirals or something. And maybe as upgraded blade loses the seals it gets a knight's emblem over the mystic eyes on the hilt in makes the inscription glow maybe? it's a really neat 3-star sword and I think it'd be cool to have a midpoint version between the two magic ones.

Imagen de Kx-Ragtag
Ragtag's suggestion page aside

I was chillin' in the guild hall like usual, and i was thinking: it would be pretty cool of them to make prestige missions where we can get the rank reward crests again. Like the stun badge and deconstructor badge and stuff! The prestige missions are fun because they're pretty hard and most people don't do them because they don't care about rank anymore, so this might get some more interest in them!

Also i don't think the soul jelly has any special drops, so maybe it should get a special crest for freeing it from their horrible state! A crest with their little skull on it would be very popular i think!

Imagen de Kx-Ragtag
Ragtag's suggestion page once again!

Hey knights, i was thinkin' about sprites!

So the battle sprites get design changes based on their evolution and ultimate skills, and a lot of the knights like to be fashionable... What if we made some changes around that?

For example, ultimate skills are nice but sometimes aren't needed to be useful or can make a fight more awkward (looking at hexing haze here) so what if we could get a catalyst that lets us skip an ultimate skill instead of picking? Then we could choose which upgrades look good without ones we don't like to get there! You just get to the level where you need to feed the sprite an ultimate catalyst and instead buy an "Power-inert catalyst" instead and then it just doesn't trigger the ultimate selection.

Additionally, what if the sprites had a few more upgrade choices that put their appearance closer to their starting appearance? My seraphynx had those cute shining eyes and i miss them!
So for example seraspynx could get a change to their ray that makes it work the spur's wind projectile and gives them their cute eyes back, maskerraith could get a change to their needles where it does direct damage instead of leaving quills and gives them their tiny little ears back, and drakon could get a change for their firebolt that makes it penetrate enemies instead of explode and gives them back their cute little nub horns! We deserve our cute sprite options!

Imagen de Kx-Ragtag
Yet another of Ragtag's suggestion pages!

i sure did have a lot of quick ideas, almost made me forget my weekly suggestion post this time! I hope you like thiss one, because it's about something very dear to me- Bombs!

I don't have a whole lot of ideas for bombs, but I think it's kind of a problem that there isn't really a great choice for elemental damage bombs. there's haze bombs for different status effects and a shard bomb, but i think there should just be a damage option too. What about an alchemizer bomb? It could look like the haze bomb's outer rings, but the center is one of the prisim alchemizer canisters from the gun. The upgrades would add more canisters until it's just a big bundle of them with the front ring-plate of the haze bomb and a coil holding them together, while the center canister sizzles at the top. It would probably work best having very little knockback like the spine bombs, but making a big plasma "bubble" with energy streaking through it for the visual of the damage area. Oooh, maybe there could be an alternate version called the Ultimate Boma that does several smaller hits over time and causes a longer, blue plasma bubble....

A gag bomb would be a fun idea, since we have so many gag weapons lately. So how about a confetti bomb? Looking like a spiral bomb with the prize box symbol on top, and when it detonates it bursts out with a lot of confetti and shooting up a confetti rocket! It'd have a very low damage and area of effect but charge quickly and have high knockback and a chance to stun enemies and work mostly as a fun way to disrupt enemy crowds in the early floors of the clockworks or for style points. it could even have a usable item version for people to fire off in haven!

Also, i think it would be neat to have a bomb that's just a bunch of buzzsaws like the gremlins throw, but they're lashed together with a chain to a center weight so they spin around doing damage like that shadow bomb! I dunno how you'd impliment it, maybe have to make a crimson order box to sell and stick it in there since the other version's paid, but a normal-damage variant could be interesting.

Finally, i think it'd be cool to have a slime version of the shard bombs, one that looks like a rounded blast slime version of the shard bombs and throws off those randomly bouncing globs the blast slimes produce instead of predictable shard circles for damage. The randomness of it could be a lot of fun. Oh! you could base a version of it on the ice queen slime where the main bomb is a big white slime glob with that crown circle around the base, and then when it blows up it throws out a bunch of white bouncing globes that cause damage and freezing when they also blow up! You could put that in the sanctuary alchemy station as well, but i'm not sure what sort of damage that would do. it'd have to be pretty high to compensate for the randomness of it though.

Welp, that's all my thoughts to share for the moment! Feel free to let me know what you think or tell the devs if you'd like to see any of this happen! Thanks for reading and have some fun in the clockworks everyone.

Imagen de Kx-Ragtag
Ragtag's vital suggestions!

okay this is just some small quality of life stuff, but hear me out. I think it would be very helpful to have outfits equipped in the costume slot have a different highlight color than the ones being used as equipment. like pink or blue outlines instead of the yellow ones for the equipment would make it much faster to tweek your loadout.

also, it would be nice to have an "AFK" emote, so we'd have a little message over us we could change to let people know we just went to the bathroom or something when we have a mission lobby open and will be right back. I can't be the only one that's opened a mission and then had to take a phone call for a job or something.

Imagen de Kx-Ragtag
Ragtag's suggestion page continues!

How're ya doin', fellow knights! It's Ragtag again, with another page of suggestions to improve spiral knights on the off chance somone reads it! This time i'm gonna talk about the possibilities we could add to guild halls!

Guilds could use a few things for quality of use purposes. Like a terminal or a signboard, something for guilds to provide visitors information about the guild beyond the message of the day and maybe even a request post to accept requests to join the guild! They could even be used to tell visitors if a guild member is looking to buy or sell an item so they can be sent mail to ask about it! Or a small messageboard would be useful, accessed by that row of desktops every guild hall has so the members can properly manage things when players are spread across time zones, which is pretty common at this point.

Or a special operations table where everyone can sit down and be auto-grouped into a mission the person at the head of the table selects so they can discuss which mission they want to do as a group! It's a neat feature that could be a fun addition to encourage people to spend time in their guild hall! Another thing I'd like is a jukebox! It'd be great to change the music in a room and enjoy the various songs in the game while chilling in the guild hall! there could even be a larger one that extends the music to nearby rooms! the casino does the "change music base on location" thing, so we know it's possible!

Of course, there's also good decorative ideas for the guildhalls! We could get sets of decorations built out of the clockwork minerals, maybe even have them obtained by finding those geo-research teams in the clockworks and using the little terminal they all have to make them or something. I know i'd like little pedestals with shiney gems to accent the guild hall! we could also have lab setups like the gremlins have with zappy electrical stuff and big liquid tanks, and funky consoles! Actually having a console that worked like a ready room might be interesting. It wouldn't be useful, really, but it might be a nice touch to be able to watch guild members going to queue up to a mission instead of just tapping their PDA and vanishing.
Or maybe a chromalisk garden? We have snipes and such, why not set up relaxing rooms full of lazy lizards? or a special love puppy item? I'd enjoy hanging around while a love puppy shoots hearts at me.

Welp i think this is enough from me for now! I hope to see what you have to say about this and see ya later!

Imagen de Kx-Ragtag
Ragtag's super suggestion page!

Hey howdy fellow knights! It's ragtag, proving you can learn your lesson and then ignore it with more suggestions for you to consider! this ones a bit bigger than most because i need the space to talk about new floor additions to fight in!

What if we had spiral knight levels in the clockworks? Like, there's areas captured by everyone else down there, we've got to have a couple strongholds too, right? The assets for a knight-theme level already exists since we use those assets for guild halls and the lab so that wouldn't take a whole lot of effort to set up.
They could be like optional battle areas where you can help with monster-related "testing" for rewards or simply bypass the level to hurry to deeper floors. It could have all sorts of interesting battle setups to test, and even include those bumble drones in the training rooms as additional hazards! And we have an exchange table at the beginning so if you have items you don't want in your hotbar you can stand in front of them and drop them off, where your teammates could take them!

You could even have alternate version of the level where the knight's strongholds were broken into where you defend an area from waves of enemies to clear the area for spiral order use again, like a special version of arena maps as a surprise for when players get comfy with the idea the knight levels are "Safe"!

Also, couldn't the level design bits from the collector mission be reused for new levels? like floors where you're skirting a crimson order territory and trying to not get caught before you can sneak past? the sentry lights and dense room designs lend themselves well to the idea of dodging through a fortified area trying not to attract notice. you could even make it so you have to choose between a quick escape to the next floor and risking a big fight for prize boxes by accessing security panels or rescuing captured knights or sprites! It'd be a great way to push how the gremlins control most of the clockworks!

There could also be more use of mission setpieces and other less-used stuff added to the level generator to improve variety. For example we hardly see the rocky slimes that disguise themselves as blocks, so why not make uncommon versions of the rooms full of blocks that have several random blocks in them replaced with the rocky slimes? even a few simple twists on things like corners and now versions of existing map pieces could go a long way to changing things up.

And deconstruction rooms are pretty barebones, what if there were uncommon parts added where they had random monsters of a different type in a "holding room" you or the gremlins could unlock if they reach the control panel or partly dismantled "trap" area with some of them non functional and partly surrounded by gremlin warning barricades? Maybe some of those storage blocks with scuttlers could be added to a few new chunks so people have to be more careful about shooting through stuff to just mow down gremlins.

new room components don't even need to be gameplay matters, more alternate clockwork hallway parts where gears or beams are just off of the map to remind us that the map is a jigsaw of shifting fake realms, or spaces in the beast areas and complexes where previous knight, gremlin or other teams were taken out and left there by the wolvers, The occasional team in candlestick keep might be sitting around a candle or trying to find some usable info in those books, things like that could be a lot of fun to find and to plan out!

Welp that's my suggestions this time! Have fun in cradle, knights! and lemme know if you've got anything to say about my ideas!

Imagen de Kx-Ragtag
Ragtag's rapid suggestion~

Heya knights, Ragtag with a quick idea for improving coliseum use!

so there's krogmo coin boosters, those last a day through as many games as you can play and stack several times. what if there was a smaller version that dropped in the clockworks? like a booster that lasted for one game that was a rare drop, to help drive people looking into playing lockdown and blast network? maybe it could be tied to special events, so you could have a splash page to encourage players to check the coliseum when they login!

actually krogmo's green, and green devlites are all yes-men...who's his boss?

Imagen de Kx-Ragtag
Ragtag's super spooky suggestion page!

Look out fellow knights, the moon is high and the pumpkin king is out for blood! Do we have blood? oh, he just wants candy. anyways, you know what i want? Mapmaking tools!

A lot of people have probably been asking for a tool to make new floors in the clockworks since forever, but the real question is how would to make that work? I think i have a great answer, we can make it a guild function! instead of trying to cram the level editor into the active clockworks, we can make a special guild "test chamber" where you set up the map, build new floors out of clockwork chunks, design new clockwork chunks, then populate the map by feeding minerals into a hopper by the test chamber door! You can even make a vote system so the admins can spot which maps get a lot of positive attention and consider looking into feeding them into the clockworks!

The idea is you build a test chamber in your guild, which has 1-3 doors to lead into the test room but start closed. You go up to a closed door that has a terminal on it, and that takes you to the map editor where you can either assemble room and hallway "chunks" together or make new freeform "chunks" to fit into the test map. You can save the not-working map anytime, but the door won't open until you tell the editor you finished the map. Once you finish and the map editor performs a quick pathing test to make sure it can be completed, you can open the door at the hopper and feed minerals in until you get the mix of enemies you want to see. So you'd have a main mix of two minerals for the main enemies, then you could feed additional minerals in to add pockets of spoiler enemies. Sorta like how we used to feed minerals into the clockworks before! Once the door's open, the monsters are generated, and the door's open you get to run through a virtual clockworks map, and at the end you can give it a rating on various features and overall! guilds can even get non-guild members to come in and vote on the good map ideas! it'd be a great way to encourage people to visit guilds!

Then the devs can look at the top few ideas every few months and decide to work the best parts into the official clockworks generator system! The guild that gets their ideas approved for the official game could even get a reward like special furniture or maybe a small energy prize for improving the SK experience! or even a super shiny accessory like a badge or a special hat!

Anyways, that's the ideas from the front lines against the candy menace! Would you visit guildhalls to try this out? Lemme know what you think!

Imagen de Kx-Ragtag
Ragtag's super spooky suggestion page is back from the dead!

WooooooOOOOoooooooooo, it's the eldritch idea man, Ragtag! Here ro spook my fellow knights with some hauntingly good ideas! Crack open some of that candy because it's time to think about upgrading those 1-star wonder weapons!

I was thinking about that shield idea where you'd combine all the elemental bucklers and wondered if there was any other good uses for it and it hit me that we have a bunch of niche blasters in 1-star level that are neat, but aren't "build then up to 5-star" neat. What if we could combine them with a 4-star blaster to make a new 5* blaster? A stronger version of the super stun gun or chill gun would be a lot of fun to have and would be a nice alternative for using the weapon for enemy control, and those guns are very interesting looking so having a 5-star gun with the stun gun's open barrel but expanded to hold a larger visible stun charge or the valiance with the chill gun's frosting covering the barrel would be great to see! There's a bunch of guns that do status effects with their basic shots and it would be a fun mechanic to bring back to higher levels.

It also got me thinking about those low level energy swords. What if you could combine them with a 4-star caliber to get a sword that does a little elemental damage and inflicts status? They'd have the charged spin attack from being a modified caliber, so they'd be entirely different to use from the brandish swords and it would be a way to get that cool light sword look from the cool low-level element swords at higher levels! You could have the larger caliber blade with the energy-cell inside and more colorful pommel but the blade styling and glowing blade-trail of the lower-end element swords! It'd look really cool!

As usual, feel free to tell me if you like any of my ideas! Stay safe out there in the spooky night and don't eat any old brittle candies you might pick up off a pumkin zombie!

Imagen de Kx-Ragtag
Ragtag's rockin' suggestion page!

Hey hey howdy knights! i've been riding a sugar rush for the last few days so let's get this post done before i crash! I hope you're feeling fashionable because i'm aiming at accessories!

Everyone love accessories! One thing i'd like to see is a holstered handgun, we have sheaths for swords and bandoliers for bombs to wear but no holsters for handguns to wear! It's a real shame. Some health pellet pouches and flare holders would be nice too like the vial hilsters but maybe with a wider belt holding them would be nice. Also some travelling backpacks and bookbags would be nice, instead of the ammo or health options we have for our backs now would look nice as a more flexible choice. Actually a book bag at the front might be better! I'd also like a tool pouch or a datapad that sits at the hips, to feel like a tech at work in the clockworks. Or a radio backpack might be nice, with an antennae bouncing around! or maybe a mini battle sprite accessory that hangs around us without doing anything on the side reverse from our actual sprite! I also think that a mirrored visor would be neat. Like the vented visor but instead of a grating there's a reflective lens area across the front! I'd also like a muffler across the front like the ones on the kat hats, so i could get that look on other helmets, it's a good design that looks comfy! We could also use a gasmask accessory, with the filter canasters on the front! it's strange we don't have more mask accessories actually. Oh, and what about some techy thruster pylons that hovered just behind us like wings? They could have a jet animation when we dash or shield charge! People love that sorta thing.

Oooh, or some bows would be nice! Like a nice big bow to look cute, there could be one on the back and one on the neck spot for the head so you could make your outfit extra fancy! Maybe a bow on top of the head too. And maybe like a sash of medals? we've got bandoliers, Those could be tbe base for a pretty sash full of medals to wear!

Also, there's a big lack of footwear for us knights to put on on our tiny little feet! What if we got some puffy high-top shoes, or some fancy dress tapshoes that click when we walked? Or some pretty anklets made of gold, everyone loves shiny gold accessories! Some of them could have little ankle wings on them! Or maybe some colorful leather shoes with big shiny buckles on the front, those could be nice. Maybe it'd be possible to even get some rollerskates!
And while it's not exactly an accessory, i'd like to see a multichromatic player color- which i mean to say having a player color that slowly cycles through the different colors fading into each other like a lot of computer parts do! while this would probably be super expensive, i'd love to see it and i bet a lot of other players would want it too!

Imagen de Kx-Ragtag
Ragtag's belated suggestion page!

What's goin' on, haven! It's ragtag, back from being stuck for several days in a locker in the guild hall! I'm about out of ideas for y'all, but I've got a little more to think about! like our many swords!

Now thinking about the cutter swords a little more, the extra slashy attacks could be interesting if they did different damage types! Maybe a shadow sword that did dark damage with striking specters, of a lighting sword with lashing bolts of shocking sparks following up behind them? they could even change their charge attack so they send out the elemental attacks like a swift bolt that deals a status effect to match, like shock? Or to go the other way, what if we took out the extra followup stirkes?
A cutter variant that trades off the extra blows for stronger, more controlled blows in a five hit combo would be a lot easier for most people to use. And it could even be given bonus damage if the enemy is poisoned or frozen as a weapon to combo with friends! you could even replace the awkward charge combo flurry with a single big sweep like the troika swords do to give it better crowd control. Oh or a big lunging sweep that does high damage but carries you along with the enemies, as a counterpoint to the various swords that have a charge attack that pushes enemies away with a chain of blasts!

There's also the spur swords. They're pretty neat and between having a big swing area and an actual projectile for a charge attack they're a very strong utility weapon, but they fall a little short. What if they had an alternate line where the blade focused on powering the charged attack over the reach of the normal blows? So once it got stronger the projectile went out further and faster and pierced through enemies? Then it would be able to double as an emergency "gun" for hitting switches and playing ranged games in the clockworks for players that like to bring swords?
Or! Instead of it firing off a projectile, what if the charged attack stayed in place where the knight attacked and worked like a vortex that got bigger as the sword leveled up, catching enemies for you to slash away at for a couple seconds or buying time to get out of a tight spot? It could have extra cyclone chambers on the back of the blade to represent that it causes a suction and help make it clear the weapon is different!

What about the hatchets? those are really cool looking, but they're only like 1-star weapons and they feel the same as big knight swords. maybe they could get an overhaul? like for instance maybe flipping their attacks would make them stand out? their basic attack could be a series if strong, narrow downward chops, and the charged attack could be a wide half-circle swing that does heavy damage to make it more of a heavy damage weapon instead of the low-damage high-knockback knight swords? Maybe the basic attacks could strike multiple times on whatever they hit to represent the sawblades getting to tear into enemies. And what if they got additional levels, like where the saw teeth became silver and shiney and the color scheme added a spiral emblem on it somewhere, maybe near the base of the blade. Or there could be an elemental version! where it gets upgraded so it looks like it's heated from the inside and the charged attack causes a fireblast around the knight swinging it! Or a motorized gremlin version where the sawblades are moving, for additional damage to those pesky constructs or powerful piercing pounds! they could get a whole new set of levels and we could all get cool new weapons to play with past the intro missions!

Welp, i'm finally spent! I'll be back whenever i think of some good stuff! Have a good time in the clockworks and spare a chormalisk for me!