Flash Sales Feedback 2023

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Carbon-Jm's picture


Without a doubt, this year's flash sales had the largest discrepancy in a while between what was expected and desired by the community and what actually happened. I know many people feel angry and disappointed about the way things went, so in the interest of ensuring that next year's flash (and any other Featured Auctions and Depots between now and then) is better, please give your constructive feedback on this year's flash. What was good? What was bad? What could have been better? Please don't rage about how you didn't get one item you wanted.

I'll start:
- A very large percentage of requested items showed up this year! That is amazing as many of these items were hard to find and missing from the economy.

- HOWEVER, a large portion of those requested items were on the Featured Auction instead of the Depot. Some of the most requested items only showed up once on the Featured Auctions. Some of these made sense and followed patterns of Featured Auctions from previous years (Broadsider, Snarblepup, Blossom Aura), and that is okay, but others (Prismatic Halo, Prismatic Seraph Wings) have been on the Depot in past years but only showed up on FA this year.

- Almost all of the Depot items were the same as last year. The items that stood out (Divine/Volcanic Round Shades, Divine/Volcanic Long Feathers, Hazardous Hedge Coat, Shadow Devious Horns) were the best items, and the sale would have benefited from including more items that are not regularly on the Depot.

- The Hazardous costumes were extremely overpriced (with the exception of the Hedge Coat). The helms were priced about where the community prices them, but the Draped Armor and Brigandine were about 3x the current community price for those items. The Hedge Coat, on the other hand, was considerably less than the community price for it, and although it was high, that is okay.

- The lackluster Depot sales caused everyone's attention to be focused on the Auction House. This resulted in many, many items going for way higher than is expected for them. CozZzy Aura was ~70-80ke (roughly 4mcr), but it went for 8.9mcr on the FA. Wings of Frenzy were ~20-30ke (1-1.5mcr) and for some reason went for 3.6mcr. Teddy Bear Buckler was ~50ke (2.8mcr) but went for 3.7mcr. I think the solution to this is to have more interesting items on the Depot, but I am still absolutely baffled by some of the prices on the FA.


i like the FAs
i didnt enjoy the overpays on fa items
some depoted items prices were out of touch
bitter end as the final item showcases the my feelings of this flash sale

Cyber Monday Feedback

Seems like the organizers can't be bothered anymore with what their players want and are more focused on exploiting them by coming up with this "high demand low supply crap". So many people had asked for the prismatic halo on the cyber monday thread and yet the GAME MASTERS decided to exploit the situation by only LISTING ONE prismatic halo at the Auction House for whales to have a bidding war on it. This resulted in the prices of prismatic halos to increase by twice the amount as compared to last year. (from 20ke - 40ke)

What is your motive from doing this? Are you expecting players to start spending more money in game just to trade for prismatic halos from merchants?

Grey havens can't even be bothered to give us new updates on the game let alone fix the bloody servers. The least you could have done during the most anticipated event in game is to give the players what they want. Whats more embarrassing is that this year's event is a carbon copy of last year's event which further proves to the community that nobody in grey havens actually care about this game anymore.

I think the entire community deserves an apology from the organizers for being selfish and lazy, especially when countless number of players have sacrificed their precious time and effort into grinding for this year's flash sale.

Re: Edited on the part where I falsely accused parma. Apologies for the mistake

Parma-Tech-Support's picture
Regarding the accusations towards GM (LMAO) Parma

Dear Crosswing,

As a completely real Spiral Knights Game Master who is totally a GH employee (lmao) I would like to extend my utmost gratitude for your feedback. I will make sure to post two (2) prismatic halos at the Auction House next year!

For real though, all I did (and can do, really) is compile the feedback from the wishlist forum post and send it in a neat spreadsheet to real GMs. All I get from them is a short message confirming that they've received it with a word of gratitute. What they do with this feedback is entirely up to them.
(FYI, there's even a nice "Game Master" tag that GMs have and I don't!)

Regarding the Flash Sales, SD was really mediocre and plenty of items posted in the AH should have been posted in SD instead, it sucked.

Thank you for your response,

Thank you for your response, definitely would like the game masters to post 2 prismatic halos at the Auction House next year. I would like to give another suggestion though. Why not ask the GMs to auction 3000 Prismatic halos next year. That way they can turn the entire flash sale into an even bigger show!

Sylvieon's picture
Aint no way

I was actually debating whether to clown on Crosswing for clowning on himself, or pull Parma's leg and agree with Crosswing.

Don't get me wrong, the lack of pris halos is atrocious.

But ain't no way bro actually typed a paragraph flaming Parma and actually thought Parma is a GM lmaooo. I can't.

Apetrader's picture
My thoughts on this year's FS

The items on FAH were good, although not all of them seemed fitting there. This was evident from the significant downturn in price of the energy market.
The depot was not impressive at all (with exception of some hazardous costumes, auras and a few extra items). It's apparent that most of the items players had wished for ended up in the featured auction.

Several items were highly sought after in wishlists, yet only one of each appeared in the auction. This scarcity encouraged competition and will likely affect the already weak economy by driving prices even higher.

Take the prismatic halo as an example: it sold for around 35kE (equivalent from cr) in the featured auction. Previously, these could be bought from merchants for 20/25kE. Now, that opportunity is gone. If these halos had been offered in the depot (even at a higher price, say 10kE each), they would have sold well and would have facilitated the circulation of an item that is becoming increasingly rare within the community.
All standard color perches could have been offered in the depot, reserving the prismatic colorway for FAH.

A better balance is needed between auction and depot. While unique items like a snarblepup shouldn't be depoted, basic accessories should be. This allows players to acquire them at lower costs and merchants to resell them. As the merchant's supply gets lower, prices would naturally increase. When items become too expensive, they should be depoted again. A restocking cycle is essential, as the current market is stagnant. The trend of players saving for an entire year leads to excessive competition for items that lead to such high prices.

Additionally, the absence of the prismatic wolver tail and other items from the wishlist was notable. Some items from the wishlist were completely overlooked, even though they could have been easily included.