SK lag issues?

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Downgraded's picture

Is anyone else experiencing really bad lag issues? Is there anything that can be done about it? I feel like I can scarcely go 30 seconds without rubberbanding someplace that usually takes half my health... I've got fiber optic internet and my PC, while outdated, is more than enough for a game like this. I've done the Java tweaks too, so I've got the game running on 64 bit Java with the extra.txt file. It seems like I've done everything I can do on my end...

Bopp's picture
how long has this been happening?

How long has this been happening? Did you do anything major (update OS, drivers, etc.) around the time that it started? In what region of the world do you live?

(Sorry, I don't know the answer, but I'm trying to help you assemble information for someone who might.)

Flowchart's picture

not much you can do about it really. It fixes itself when they reboot the servers every few days but then gets worse.