Cyber Monday Community Wishlist 2024

Hi! With summer slowly approaching its end, Cyber Monday comes nigh, time for yet another annual wishlist!
Reply to this thread with the items you want the most to appear during this Cyber Monday sales, you can explain why you've chosen said items or not, it's completely up to you. Optionally you can leave feedback about the last Cyber Monday sale as well. You know the drill!
Once we get a considerable amount of replies a final list will be made based on your wishlists and then e-mailed to Grey Havens in hopes to at least see a few in there. Replies sent after 14th October likely won't make it to the final list, so don't miss out.
As per tradition, there will also be a small giveaway/raffle for participants.
A random (and not very expensive) prize will be sent to you via mail if at least one of the items in your wishlist makes it to the sales. Items already known to be present such as Hacked Aura, Shadow/Silver Keys, Fire Crystals, Golden Leafy Aura, Bitter End, Final Gasp, etc. won't be counted as valid winning items. Please make sure to leave your Knight name below along your wishlist otherwise you won't be able to receive your prize if you do win. Thank Carbon-Jm for the prizes!
All winners will receive their prize around early December.
Disclaimer, please note that we are not affiliated with Grey Havens LLC nor do we have any influence on what actually gets posted during Cyber Monday sales. Please don't blame us that only 1 Prismatic Halo gets posted. Thank you in advance.
Hazardous costumes and accessories. Mainly looking for the Hazardous Hedge Coat and the Anti-Hazard Spikes. I just need these last parts and I'll be happy. Please.
A blazing shroom cap doesn't exist but if it did i would sell a kidney for it. So i'll instead say :
-Shadow/Divine/Volcanic Shroom Cap
that's about it for me, honestly

Note: All for Supply Depot
- Prismatic Seraph Wings
- MaskeraithSnarblepup pod
- Pullovers (basic colors, Divine // Volcanic)
- Rageous costumes. (Rageous Plate Mail, Raging Rider Mantle ex)
- Prismatic Crest
- Gun pup helm (
- Dangerous Hound Coat
Ign: Ainogommon

Volcanic Dragon Wings
Fiery Aura
Venomous Aura
Vile Dragon Wings
Prismatic Extension Cord
Prismatic Parrying Blade
Prismatic Dapper Combo
Volcanic & Prismatic Halo
Really cool loadouts stuff :D
- MaskeraithSnarblepup pod
Haven't seen it since february. Very hard to find since it's related to our character in game, and we can't trade it after that (and it's a very cool thing)
Ign: Xx-Fleo

Thanks Parma for organizing and Carb for prizes :D
I literally want every guildhall furniture item so I've bolded the stuff I reaaaaaaally want... But just gib all pls
Floor Monitor
Charred Rug
Charred Tapestry
Restored Rug
Restored Tapestry
Charred Bench
Charred Chair
Charred Table
Restored Bench
Restored Chair
Restored Table
Tall Gaslamp (any and all colours)
Short Gaslamp (any and all colours)
Antique Bench (any and all colours)
Antique Table
Ancient Bookcase
Moldy Tome Stack
Musty Tome Stack
Antique Luggage
Antique Suitcases
Skull Pile
Bone Stack
Cursed Nature Sprite
Nature Sprite
Personal items:
Drakon (Gun Pup)
Wooly Onesie

Greetings, Spiral Community! I hope everyone is having a great year and is reaching their dreams!
First off, I would like to thank our Spiral Overlords for blessing me with TWO of the items I wanted last year - Hazardous Hedge Coat and Prismatic Seraph Wings. It made me very happy that my special comrade was able to get a long sought-after item after many years. Making the coat a Depot item made me especially happy as it allowed many to make their dream outfit.
In regards to this year's big Flash Sale, I would love it if more furniture made it to the Depot specifically. Many of the few remaining guilds have been without updated furniture for over 10 years now. I propose furniture to be in the Depot so that leaders are able to get a multitude to make their homes look like they've always dreamed. Guilds such as The Goose Caboose, Lions' Den, and Vega, to name a few, have been working hard towards creating a great community for what's left of our knights. I feel like their efforts to bring the community together would be properly rewarded if given the chance to update their looks and to make their homes more cozy and homey.
This last request is one that will probably not happen but I gotta shoot my shot... Please fix the Almirian Helm so that it can wear a front face accessory. All three reskinned variations (Storm Crusader Helm, Raging Crusader Helm, and Frenzy Crusader Helm) are capable of wearing a front face accessory such as a mustache or a dapper combo; Almirian Crusader Helm cannot. I have been a devoted follower of the righteous Almire since I was a simple child and all that I ask is for this adjustment. It would not only make my year, but my life as a loyal Almirian servant. Please hear my prayers and my pleas, mighty ones.
- Almirian banners
- Almirian carpets
- Cursed and cured sprites
- Angelic Helms (beta version)
- Prismatic Crest
- Prismatic Seraph Wings
- Prismatic Feathered Aura
- Prismatic Halo
- Winterfest Chess Mini Box
- Everything Hunter
- Illuminating Ward
- Arcane Halo
- Spiraltail Mails
- Vial Bandoliers
- Blossom Aura
- Dreadful Aura
- Twilight Aura
- Spiraltail Drakon
- Humbug Hat
- Gun Pup Helm
IGN: Rexy-Sexy

Black fowl cowl
different kinds of leafy auras
spiral and devious horns
prismatic goggles
status vial accessories
twilight aura
owlite wands
rooster prize box

- Divine Owlite Spectacles
- Buccaneer Broadsider
- Illuminating Ward
- Owlite Wands
- Vial Bandoliers
- Angelic Helms (the beta one)
- Dreadful Aura
- Prismatic Crest
- Prismatic Seraph Wings
- Prismatic Feathered Aura
- Prismatic Halo
- Prismatic Wolver Tail
- Winterfest Chess Mini Box
- Spiraltail Drakon
- Spiralhorn Maskeraith
- Sun/Moon Crests
- Shadow Hood
- More rare/unique tomes!

- Spiraltail Drakon
- Volcanic/Toasty and Default Trotters
- Vog Slippers

>Fiery aura
>Volcanic Halo
>Volcanic Valkyrie Wings
>Prismatic Glow-Eyes
>Seraphynx Pod (siamese)
IGN : Monsefp
- Military Ronin Gasa
- Divine Ronin Gasa
- Chaff Packs
- Military Slippers

prismatic valkyrie wings
shadow valkyrie wings
toasty slime aura
dusky slime aura
black cat hood
slumber scale helm
slumber fur coat
saphire scale helm
saphire fur coat
5* graviton vortex bomb
5* electron vortex bomb
hallow side blade

cyber monday 2024 wishlist
prismatic halo
prismatic wolver tail
prismatic voltaic headset
guild hall prize box
tech blue teddy bear buckler
arcane halo
vertical vents (default colors)
dangerous hound coat/draped armor/brigandine
vial bandoliers (non-freeze)
illuminating ward
shadowtech and tech airbraker shields
snarbolax/skolver/vog slippers
shadow and prismatic tomes of rage
sun/moon crests
maskeraith pod (spiralhorn)
prismatic crest
List of items that I would love to see on the auction house on the day of Monday, December 2nd
Volcanic Brigandine
Mug of Misery
Golden Slime Coin
Eternal Orb of Alchemy
Shining Fire Crystal
Wicked Whisker
Perfect Seerus Mask Fragment
Grinchlin Snowball
Krogmo Coin
Forge Spark
Warmaster Rocket Hammer
Proto Gun
GM Deadly Shard Bomb
GM Fang of Vog
Stunning Crest
Trinket Slot Upgrade (2 days)
Authentic Frankenzom Mask
Authentic Phantom Mask
Authentic Scarab Mask
Authentic Spookat Mask
Swiftstrike Buckler (Increased Sleep Resistance: Low)

2024 Wishlist
I'd like to agree with and reiterate the sentiment of Ariave, Manlet & Watergoose; Guild Hall Furniture, specifically on Supply Depot. I think it's important that if any is released, it's released through Supply Depot as many guilds and individuals are looking for many pieces of furniture. So top of the list is:
1. Guild Hall Furniture on Supply Depot
2. Prismatic Shoulder Boosters
3. Prismatic Ankle Boosters
4. Curse Vial Bandolier
5. Dangerous & Hazardous Bomb Bandolier
Thanks Parma and Carb for carrying on the Community Wishlist torch, and Grey Havens for doing this.

Here's my 2024 wishlist:
- Tech / Shadowtech Orange Aero Helm
- Tech Orange Cuirass
- Tech / Shadowtech Airbraker shields
- Shadow/Volcanic Owlite Spectacles
- Fiery Aura
- Flame Aura
- Fiery Feathered Aura
- Twilight Aura
- Prismatic Barrel Berry
- Sun Crest
- Various Disguise Kits (fancy in particular!!)
- Drakon Pod (Shadow)
- Firestorm Skeggox
- Blossom Aura
- Permafrost Aura
- Storm Avenger Helm
- Storm Rider Mantle
- Divine Owlite Wand
- Buccaneer Broadsider
- Arctic Disciple Wings
- Soaked Aura
Blossom and permafrost aura I'd want most out of these. Everything else I'd love to see, and I would definitely get if they were there. Thanks for doing this! I hope for the best for everyone else too. IGN: Randomweegee

- Toasty Jaws of Megalodon
- Dusky Jaws of Megalodon
- Fancy Jaws of Megalodon
- Divine Jaws of Megalodon
- Restored Jaws of Megalodon
- Shadow Jaws of Megalodon
- Volcanic Jaws of Megalodon
- Military Jaws of Megalodon
- Overcharged Mixmaster
We need Megalodon Jaws on the Supply Depot again, last time was 2019. The mixmaster on AH.
I have been searching for a Lovely Fur Coat for months. A Lovely Fur Coat is all I ask for, PLEASE.
But if Gray Havens would be so kind, I hope they release more of the lovely accessories too, like:
Lovely Dragon Wings,
Bloom Halo
Lovely Vertical Vents
Thank you
- Winterfest Chess Mini Box
- Autumn Aura
- Shadow Node Slime Helm
- Shadow Node Slime Guards
- Shadow Tome of Rage
- Shadow Node Receiver
- Illuminating Ward
- Firetail Mail
- Buccaneer Broadsider
- Status Vial Bandoliers
- Proto Gun
- Restored Angelic Helmet
- Standard Color Angelic Helmets
- Silver Personal Color
- SpiralHorns
- Humbug Mask
Winterfest Chess Mini Box
FireTail Mail
Prismatic Halo
Twilight aura

As another enjoyer of Almirian aesthetic, I second Manlet's request for more guild furniture and the fix for the Almirian Crusader Helm
- Almire Furniture Box
- Almirian banners
- Almirian carpets
I really want Fancy Spiral Horns, no one has them for sale and i'm kinda stuck

• Late Harvest Pullover
• Late Harvest Ear Muffs
• Divine Pullover
• Chilled Aura
Wicked Tome of Rage
Dangerous Dragon Wings
Rageous Plate Mail
Aggro Aura
Shadow Mushroom Cap

I'm incredibly fond of gremlin/mecha knight worldbuilding and designs, so I'd love to see their gear pop up on the depot.
- Fancy/Heavy Gremlin Helmet
- Fancy/Heavy Gremlin Suit
- Fancy/Heavy Mecha Helm
- Fancy/Heavy Mecha Suit

I have one request, a polar wolver tail c:
thank u

- Blossom Aura! This is one of my favorites. Nature-themed items are just the greatest.
- Bloom Halo
- Prismatic Seraph Wings
- Pullovers
- Gun Pup Helm
Thank you! I'm looking forward to it this year.

A small but simple wishlist:
- Overcharged Mixmaster
- Divine Parrying Blade

Prismatic Feathered Aura
All Emerald Accessories (Aura, Crown, Wings, Tails, Floaters)
•Prismatic Halo
•Prismatic Seraph Wings
•Tails Tails
•Arcane Halo
•Blossom Aura
•SpiralTail Mail
•Jaws of Megalodon
•Plate Mail
•Down puffer (unzipped)
-Prismatic halo & wolver tail
-Fiery Aura
-Volcanic tome of rage & halo
Lemme complete my sets without another 300hour vana grind sesh please :(
- Fiery feathered Aura
- Illuminating Ward
- Vog Slippers
- Volcanic Parrying Blade
- Prismatic Glow-Eyes
- Gun Pup Drakon Pod
- Silver Personal Color
- Raging Rider Mantle
- Preset Down Puffer (Fancy pls)
- Preset Snow Hat (Fancy pls x2)
- Preset Snow Goggles (Fancy pls x3)
- Preset Ear Muffs (Fancy pls x4)
- White Chef Coat
- Chilled Aura
- Twilight Aura
Blossom Aura
Spiraltail Drakon Pod
Chilled Aura
Illuminating Ward
Arcane Halo
Dread Seal
Moonlight Leafy Aura

Gemstone Auras (Diamond, Emerald, Pearl)
Iron Lockboxes
Mirrored Lockboxes

- Divine/Volcanic Pullover
- Node Field Aura
- Prismatic Tome of Rage
- Prismatic Clockwork Crest
- Prismatic Seraph Wings
- Arcane Halo
- Snarbolax Slippers
- Moon Crest
Prismatic Halo
Dangerous Hound coat (for Drowsi, pls help)
Rageous sets
Maskeraith (Snarblepup) Pod
Apocrean Disciple Wings

All I want is the Fiery Buhgok set. But specifically the Fiery Buhgok Tail. It practically doesn't exist anymore. Please give me a way to get one.
So heres the list:
Fiery Buhgok Tail
Fiery Feathered Aura
Fiery Fowl Cowl
Fiery Fowl Cloak
Fiery Lazy Buhgok
Fiery Plump Buhgok
Fiery Wandering Buhgok
Maskeraith Pod (Snarblepup)
Overcharged Mixmaster
Celestial Orbitgun
Volcanic Ronin Gasa

Unreleased beta items like:
- Super Brawl Crown (Beta)
- Angelic Helmets - Standard Colors + Divine, Volcanic, Shadow, Restored (Beta)
- Firefighter Helmet (Beta)
- Magikat Hat (Obsolete)
Blossom aura and Rose Aura
Also lovely wings!
I wish for more SD items in compared to last year's.
- Hallow cat tail
- Hallow wings
- Divine round shades
- Tech Pink Teddy Bear Buckler
I also hope that all of them are in SD rather than FA.
Pretty much anything Dangerous, including random accessories, buuuuuutttttt.....
Dangerous Hound Coat (And hopefully not on Featured Auction)
Please let my torment end, GH. I've been searching for years.