2024 Flash Sale Experience

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I've been searching for Prismatic Binoculars since 04/16/2024 (for about 7.5 months), consistently posting WTB messages.

When the Community Wishlist went live, I was the 3rd person to submit a request. I requested only for Prismatic Binoculars.

During the event, I heard that we were able to whisper directly to Cronus and ask for specific items as they were being listed on Featured Auction. I sent a message requesting for Prismatic Binoculars. They were added, and I'm very grateful that this was done.

However, I did not win the auction. I gave up after the bid went higher than I could possibly afford (2mcr). After I logged off, one of my friends continued to bid, hoping to get the item for me. They also failed to win the auction.

I ended up not spending a single Crown or Energy on the event.

Here's a list of all recorded sales of Prismatic Binoculars from the amazing Kozma's Backpack Discord Server:

  • 02/03/2021 - 127,111cr (AH bid)
  • 02/03/2021 - 10ke (direct trade)
  • 10/15/2023 - 150,000cr (AH bid)
  • 12/02/2024 - 5,226,969cr (today's Featured Auction)

If one assumes the market rate for Prismatic Binoculars is 10ke, then this Featured Auction sold for more than 10x that. If one assumes the market rate is 150kcr, then this Featured Auction sold for about 35x that.

I feel completely defeated. I observed that a lot of the other Featured Auctions ended in a similar way, but I wanted to recount my experience for the one that I actually participated in.