Kataclysm and general event inquiry
Sat, 02/08/2025 - 03:35
Hello, returning player here
I'm looking into getting the Black Kat raiment and I was wondering when the next Kataclysm event will show up. I see that they have stopped updating the Steam page a while ago, so I'm wondering, is there perhaps a community-ran calendar that I could use to see which events go active and when?
On a related note, how feasible is it to even obtain the Black Kat armor these days? It seems like one must participate in six separate slayings of the cursed Kat boss, which seems improbable alone. Are there still active guilds that could help me in finding books? I reckon most people who have stuck with the game are already decked out
The best record I know is on the wiki:
That page was updated mostly by players, and they stopped keeping detailed records in 2020. But I think it's still true that the Kataclysm shows up twice a year, around January and August.
Finding a Book of Dark Rituals seems to be about as rare as ever. And yes, you must participate in six slayings of Margrel to get the 5-star helmet and suit.
However, it is important to keep in mind that the 5-star versions are mostly status symbols. The 3-star versions supply just as good offense and only slightly worse defense. But no one wears this armor for defense anyway.
The 3-star helmet is easy to get. 70 Ancient pages.
The 3-star suit is not easy to get. It requires one Margrel fight. But that's a lot fewer than six.