Dear Grey Havens #2... (GH Deleted The First Post)

This is another Community Petition to get Grey Havens to provide ANY information, response, or an apology, for the "Margrel Banwave" which occurred during November, in which dozens of innocent players were wrongfully banned with no explanation whatsoever.
Seeing This Post Again?
Yes! 3 weeks ago I made a similar Community Petition, but it was deleted by Grey Havens. Taking down a popular Community Petition is ridiculous. Several large SK community members were banned, with 0 explanation, yet you expect to brush this under the rug by censoring it and hope everyone forgets. This is not making your image any better with the Spiral Knights community
What Can Grey Havens Do?
Simply just... respond . We are simply just asking for basic information about why you banned us. You must have at least had evidence / reasonable suspicion to ban almost 20 loyal & devoted players. If you didn't, simply just apologize for us being caught up in the ban wave and move on. All we ask for is a comment.
So, once again, after months of the community asking, we ask:
1. When & How did we "Cheat"?
2. What did we obtain?
3. What suspicion you had to accuse us of cheating.
What can you do as a player?
Just reply to this post. Sign it by commenting anything, giving it a +1, or share a story / how you feel about the situation.
Censoring Community Petitions? Really...? The whole SK Community knows about this issue, so it won't just be forgotten about if you cover it up and ignore it. The Community has always had a rough relationship with Grey Havens, so this is your chance to improve it, instead of making it universally worse...
Crazy work, Grey Havens, instead of just answering, y'all decide to delete the petition. It's not hard, your community wants YOUR feedback as from the current leading team of the game, and you make the community to get it their own way. A really sorry sight.
Why is it so hard to answer 3 simple questions after so many months?
This also shows the lack of a good communication channel between the players and GH. There is no way to actually talk to you guys without the fear of silencing or repercussions. Please say something, anything.
Are you hiding something Grey Havens? Do you know it's a mistake and are trying to make it go away?

I would simply like to play your game in peace. Unfortunately, that is not possible, knowing that the way you enforce your terms of service is not based on evidence obtained from player logs, but from approximations made by misinformed staff.
Knowing that you cannot show a mediocrum of respect to explain to somebody why they no longer have access to the game, because your own folks do not know for sure and shouldn't have taken a decision so impulsively is seriously discouraging. I dread the day I ever try to craft Kat items again, knowing I might get banned for maybe, perhaps, perchance, having possibly exploited, without proof, evidence or fact.
You can only benefit from changing your methods and gaining consistency and integrity while doing so. In the meantime, your inability to handle this situation professionally only benefits your detractors and other bad actors, while punishing the few who do want to play your game.
If you've made a mistake, please address it and do your best to make it right. If you haven't made a mistake, please justify the bans. You have nothing to lose by clearing this situation up. You have nothing to gain from pretending there isn't an issue.
How do you expect us to "not let this happen again" if nobody knows what it was that caused said bans
I seriously dont understand what the harm is in "Hey everyone, we would like to formal apologize for the wrongful ban wave, We were monitoring closely for RMT and a scene hopping exploit. Unfortunately some players got flagged for suspicion without doing anything wrong/(explain what happened). We do deeply apologize for those affected by this"
We aint asking for records/logs, it wont be an arguement or cause mass drama. Majority of your community seem like mature decent people, sure the minority exist. But literally nothing bad can come from just saying sorry 🤷♂️
P.S i wrote this on a sitting bathroom break if you catch my drift, just on my phone.. its that simple and not time consuming at all aside from typing instead of tiktok

Are there still any players who remain banned and haven't got any support from GMs?
removing a community petition instead of offering ANY kind of a response is a pretty bold choice.
not a smart one, but bold I guess.
If you let an issue like this go unaddressed and silence people calling it out, it sets a very dangerous precedent. I don't think I need to explain what that precedent is.

I believe my friend, knight name: 'Oozingvoid' was also false banned as he swears to me he has no clue as to why he was banned. He sent in an appeal to GH support which was denied without reasoning. GH please reconsider how you deal with these issues, you are losing the trust and investments of many of spiral knights loyal player base.
We deserve developers/GM's who care, as there are many players who invest lots of time and money into your game as you betray them. This is making more and more players shy to continue supporting and investing in SK.
This kind of behavior is unacceptable. Clearly you guys made a mistake, a mistake that would have been forgiven and forgotten if you acknowledged it and apologized, but instead you are choosing to double down and are alienating more players.

The radio silence is deafening. It's honestly impressive that GH is actively making the worst choices possible, when all we want is to play and give them money (which, I'm sure EVERYONE likes).
Honestly Grey Havens, the more times goes on the worse you get.
It's incredible how incompetent you can get, straight up refusing to communicate on anything is counterproductive and you are really starting to get on the community's nerves.
Wake. The. Fuck. Up.
Please don’t delete petitions, since now you know what it does.

Grey Havens, can you please stop ignoring us and simply respond?
As a comment on this thread stated:
"How do you expect us to "not let this happen again" if nobody knows what it was that caused said bans?"
You could say something like "Hey everyone, we would like to formal apologize for the wrongful ban wave, We were monitoring closely for a cheating exploit. Unfortunately some players got flagged for suspicion without doing anything wrong/(explain what happened). We do deeply apologize for those affected by this"
Simply nothing bad comes from just apologizing for your mistakes.
We aren’t gonna forget about this, so you mine as well address us.
Grey Havens, please give us some info. All we ask for is the basic info which you already have, considering you banned us.
Or, if you don't have it, just apologize for wrongfully banning so many innocent individuals who have spent so much time and money supporting Spiral Knights.
We have not received any response from you about the banwave. I am still waiting for information regarding the 30 MILLION CROWNS (worth $1,333 USD) I lost due to being banned, and others like Aemond-Top are still banned without receiving a response in months.
The only response you have provided us with is deleting a Community Petition. That is not a great image. This could all be fixed by simply providing information or apologizing... I don't see why they are escalating their already rough relationship with the community.