I'm wondering this as I'm now just waiting for the energy to be able to make the last two armour pieces I need for tier 2 clockworks. So I ask, do you actually your crowns worth in energy in tier 2?
- If you don't understand what I said above, it takes 1 to 3 floors in tier 1 to get enough to equal 10 energy. I'm wondering if this is different in tier 2.
I kept track of stats (crowns gained, energy used, energy price, death/gate energy fees), and generally depths 9-12 actually lose you money (unless you 'invest' 3 energy and get a danger room). Depth 13 is a shop, and depths 14-17 are profitable - usually enough to cancel out the losses AND get you profit. For example, if 100 energy cost 7k, then every piece of energy is worth 70cr - each door you open needs to be worth at least 210 cr to "profit", each level you enter is worth 700cr.
This pattern is also true for Tier 1 and 3 - you lose money (or overall, break about even) until the shop stage, then the latter stages are more profitable.
You can usually make 5-7k-ish on a tier 2 run (in raw crowns) in tier2, using between 80-90 energy.