I understand there has been a number of forums about this. but im going to say ti anyway
Earlier today, i got a brand new silversix. immediately i was invited to firestorm citadel. happily, i skipped in and killed a deadly trojan and a buncvh of slag walkers. then i shot a red rover.
After doign constant 70s, i was annoyed by how i onyl did 12 damage a shot. wouldnt the elemental multiply the damage by 2, and the piercing half the damage?
This was clearly not the case, as i did abyssmally low damage
the silversix and blackhawk lines make sure that they are supereffective against 2 spiecies, and horrible against 4 speicies.
That doesnt seme right. the silversix should be horrible against 2 species (slimes and gremlins) average damage against 2 species ( beasts and constructs) and supereffective against the last 2 (fiends and undead)
Its like having a new type of damage. only it still only uses 2 types fo damage
Some people think, and you know who you are,"why bother the forums? its not like the devs read them".
Well, they do. a recent update about matchmaking was the exact topic of a forum i had saw a week before. which means the game masters do listen.
OOO, please, this wont effect your income, but it will affect the player's happiness. it will raise the happiness. Many energy threads are put down, and many other types of threads are put down, because you know the players will be put out whne they figure out it will have to cost energy. but this one, this is minor, yet major in so many ways.
wouldnt the elemental multiply the damage by 2, and the piercing half the damage?
That's not how damage bonuses work.
the silversix and blackhawk lines make sure that they are supereffective against 2 spiecies, and horrible against 4 speicies.
That's because it does two types of "special" damage; piercing and elemental. To change what you're proclaiming is the equivalent to change the gun itself, which is relatively pointless since it's the only gun of its kind. Simple solution: don't use it against enemies it sucks against, or get another gun.