I was just wondering... Why are there enemies behind locked gates? Were they insubordinates that were locked up or something? Or did they accidentally lock themselves in and no one cared enough to let them out?
Deconstruction Zone Prisoners?
They have the key in there with them. If they're in there against their will, they could "escape" at any time.
Most likely it's a little room set aside as a workshop.
Maybe they don't know how to use their key...
That makes sense, but what about the spare key locked up in another room and the powered down mecha knights?
The powered down Mecha Knights are slated for deconstruction and salvaging.
The "empty" rooms with a key and minerals are probably storage rooms. Wouldn't you want to lock your shinies away?
I guess the key is there because some idiot Gremlin dropped it there before they closed the door.
The keys only work from the outside, making it safe to store prisoners and extra keys together.
These're Gremlins we're talking about, they can surely build a mechanical arm that can pick up the guy, reach way over the gate, and stick it into the slot to open the door.
...Besides, why would you even store the keys with the prisoners. What if you had to retrieve the key?
Maybe to taunt them, as a form of torture. Escape is so near yet so far.
They totally couldn't hop over those 2ft high blocks that surround them.
Well we can't hop over anything...
maybe that should be in an update, the ability to jump. Just give us some chasms so it has a purpose.
hmmm would it be more cool if the key was bound to an enemy walking around? kill it and get the key?
>maybe that should be in an update, the ability to jump. Just give us some chasms so it has a purpose.
There is a significant problem with that idea, methinks. What happens if you miss? This may introduce a means to avoid paying energy at lifts...
Enthusiastic Knight sez: "Alright, we reached the elevator! GO TEAM!!! XD"
Cheapskate Knight sez: "Elevator? You chumps can waste your CE if you want, but I'm gonna take a shortcut."
Skeptical Knight sez: "Shortcut? What do you mean?"
Cheapskate Knight: /me jumps over the lip of the metal-plated clockworks platform, out into the vast open space beyond...
Cheapskate Knight sez: "YAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaarg --Totally worth it! -- BLAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaah...!!"

If they are prisoners...
why do they have flamethrowers and what not?
"IT'S A TWAP" says Admiral Crowbar.
Maybe something like this happened.
But they always have a key with them. I think they locked themselves in with the key in an attempt to keep it from knights.