Sorry I didn't do this earlier, but I finally added a CSS class for table links called "whitelinks" to help with the tables that have dark backgrounds where you cannot see the links well. I've switched over a few templates, but am not sure if I have gotten them all. You can either let me know here of a page that needs it or you can do it by adding class="whitelinks" to the table in the line that starts with {|. If there's already a class there, you can just make it class="firstclassname whitelinks".
This includes the crafting page. Unless there is a good reason to not have it use the conventional link underlining (I'll admit I didn't know they were links when I first looked at the page) because that's what is done on the rest of the wiki and generally will be less confusing for new users, I'll probably just remove the SKlink template stuff.
I'm also open to using a light color other than white if people have suggestions.
How is this different from the {{SKLink}} template that we're already using?