I dont know which one is better please help :(
Gran Faust or Divine Avenger
Shouldnt this be moved to The Arsenal?
Either way, it is possible for you to get both of them if you have the persistance, but here's a short comparison.
The Avenger is an Elemental Sword who's Charge attack fires sword-based projectiles, its upgrade, Divine Avenger, possibly boasting one of the more powerful charge attacks in the game, fires three of these projectiles.
The Faust is a Shadow Sword which currently is the only item, outside of vials, to be able to inflict curse onto its victim, the charge attack is similar to the Avenger, but may cause you to get Cursed yourself, its upgrade, Gran Faust, is similar to Faust for the most part.
If you want to get both in due time, you'll want the Faust first.

Depends on what you want to use the Gran Faust and Divine Avenger for. My "Opinion" is Gran Faust is great for JK and inducing Curse on enemies from what i use it for, i don't really use it for much else. And Divine Avenger is great for fighting the Undead especially in Graveyards and the "charge" it has is great to but other than this i hardly use both but like i said this is my "opinion" Others may have better uses for them than i do lol ;P.

DA overall but...
for jelly runs GF and everywhere else DA

I have both and I like my DA better.
Divine Avenger is going to be more useful in the long run, and of course more useful for stages such as Firestorm Citadel. People say they like the Faust line for the knockback, but in my experience slimes and gremlins are fairly soft and easy to kill with something like the Nightblade instead.
Can you help me i killed him twice but i rarely did anything i got 3 really great friends but they live like across the world

Get both because they both have their uses.
If you want to get Sealed Sword fast, I suggest that you craft a Nightblade which deals shadow and should make your journey in RJP easier. But if you already got a Sealed Sword (and did not have a Nightblade), craft it into a Faust to help you in RJP to get another Sealed Sword. If you already got a Nightblade, craft the Sealed Sword into a Avenger first as a Faust will be pretty pointless.
Avenger would be the one who can deal the best dmg at most enemies, but I'd suggest a faust for the jelly king and jellys in general.