Does anyone know the % of damage that's normal in T3 from elemental, piercing and shadow hits? It seems like it's the best defense to double down on just incase, because everything will do at least some of it.
So how much Normal defense do I need in T3?
Fri, 06/24/2011 - 10:03
Legacy Username
Fri, 06/24/2011 - 11:09
Legacy Username
Lumbers and Trojans hit slow,
Lumbers and Trojans hit slow, but Gremlins can be deadly in swarms.
Fri, 06/24/2011 - 11:16
Legacy Username
Lumbers, Trojans, gremlins,
Lumbers, Trojans, gremlins, mecha knights and maybe Vanaduke(?) still can do normal damage. From some testing it appears that zombies still do half-normal damage as well.
It's still one of the more useful defense stats to have.
Fri, 06/24/2011 - 11:30
FSC's spiked wheels do
FSC's spiked wheels do Normal, and I think the falling debris in the Vanaduke fight does Normal... not sure, my screen freezes up every time the debris falls so I can't see what color bars are falling off. :P
Fri, 06/24/2011 - 13:56
> Majority of Tier 3 damage
> Majority of Tier 3 damage is -pure- Shadow, Piercing, or Elemental
Actually, a lot of is split normal dmg from my experience. Also see:
Fri, 06/24/2011 - 15:24
So a Vog Cub and Divine combo should be pretty good for FSC, right?
Little, that's how much.
Majority of Tier 3 damage is -pure- Shadow, Piercing, or Elemental. The enemies that still deal Normal are incredibly easy anyway.