Are shadowtech and prismatech guns really weaker than firo/cryo/volttech?
They all seem exactly the same only the last ones also have chances of dealing additional elemental damage.
Or maybe shadow and prisma have other bonuses that i'm not aware of?
Shadow/Prismatech guns
Fri, 06/24/2011 - 11:06
Legacy Username
Fri, 06/24/2011 - 11:56
Legacy Username
Prisma used to have a damage
Prisma used to have a damage bonus against Undead. It was removed. Now its benefit is "a tiny bit more damage."
Umbra used to have knockdown on every shot. It was a bug, and it was removed. Now its benefit is... "It's the only pure-Shadow weapon other than the Graviton line."
5* Nova Driver does 20~ more damage each shot on stratum 6 enemies than the other elemental alchemers.
I don't own an Umbra Driver but I've heard it does even more damage than the Nova, but the shadow damage makes it less useful IMO, because I mostly use guns for undead and constructs but hardly ever use guns on slimes and gremlins. :P