I'll bet any of you between 1 and 500 CE that the new gremlin boss isn't Tinkizar? However if bets go to 500 though, I currently will only be able to take 4 bets, can't end up betting what I don't have ><
Anyone wanna make a bet on the new gremlin boss?
From the Spiral Knights Facebook page:
Transmission intercepted from the Ironclaw Munitions Factory: "Project Roarmulus nearing completion. Begin acquiring test subjects."
Besides, Tinkinzar doesn't associate with the Ironclaw riffraff. The Darkfang outrank them, and even the Darkfang do not get to speak to Tinkinzar.
Well, I can't say I viewed that, hate facebook.
I was going on the tier 2 factor, but meh.
Monkey did you really have to go out of your way to drive away people calling it foolish..?
It's also on their Twitter.
@ nearo "Monkey did you really have to go out of your way to drive away people calling it foolish..?"
waahmbulance, meet scambulance.

We have to see the Crimson Order before we see Tinkizar. Since the Crimson Order isn't in Tier 3, you're not going to see Tinkizar in Tier 2. It is however, quite possible that the new Tier 2 boss will be a member of the Crimson Order, and that we'll start seeing more of them in groups once Tier 4/core is released.
However, it sounds like to me, that what we're gonna see is a Gremlin mecha factory -- run amok.
i.e. the new boss will be a Construct, not a gremlin.

My bet is the new boss is a blend between Chuck Norris and Chubaka.
My bet is that it's a gigantic construct.
They said it was a gremlin boss a few weeks back.
Kay, you or nova wanna bet ce on the construct thing? :u
I think it will be a Gremlin engineer guy operating some sort of giant Mecha suit.
That would be pretty damn cool.
we all know its not tinkizar or should know... its foolish to take this bet