1. Sometimes I already raised my shield and the animation is already up but I still get damaged by monsters and bullets that are quite close to me. Is this a bug or is it because the bullet and monster attacks are all ready inside the shield?
2. My Nightblade doesn't do bonus damage to the Jelly Minis in RJP (only the last attack) and the bonus damage animation isn't up. Is this a bug?
3. My Fireburst Brandish does bonus damage to the Jellies in RJP when charged(only on charge). Is this a bug?
For number 1. : basically it could be some lagginess and you might not be in the area of where Spiral knights was developed... that happens to me as i am way 1/2 way around the world away from America. Its lag...
2. : LAG
3. : usually charging a weapon does greater damage and even some side effects... check the weaknesses of monsters on the wiki