I made an account for me, and an account for my brother, but both accounts are sharing the same energy. Is there a way to change that? because I dont want to split our energy 50-50 each day.
Is this a glitch?
Fri, 06/24/2011 - 12:24
Legacy Username
Fri, 06/24/2011 - 12:38
Legacy Username
If either of you spends any
If either of you spends any money on CE, even the minimum amount (I think $2.45?), then that account will become a "paid" account permanently and will not share Mist Energy with "free" accounts. So that is one way. If that is too much, the two of you could split it, and then split the resulting CE. If you have no credit card, one of the payment options is text-messaging.
The other option is to play on different computers. Only free accounts on the same computer will share mist tanks.
Fri, 06/24/2011 - 12:44
Legacy Username
Would buying with crowns
Would buying with crowns work?
Buy energy. Any amount. It separates the regeneration of the two accounts. That, or use different computers.