also can we have the friend list import as well?
so how do we get the steam mask and spiral sallet if we convert to a steam account?
If you have a TF2 account, you'll get a mail in spiral knights from the mann co. guy asking you to go to the first terminal to pick up some goods, aka the achievement to reach first terminal.
Simply reaching the terminal will unlock the hat.
Strange...Becouse i have TF2 and i got theses achievements that i need for spiral sallet and i dont get it -.- no e-mail or have to join only 1 terminal in SK...also stupid is this that i played SK long time before steam release and now i cant get my (wonderful) steam gas mask becouse i have SEGA account and i have to login with it and cant connect sega acc with steam...yeah i tried i created sk account with my steam account everything worked ok (inviting steam friends to SK) only Spiral Sallet is not working, also in 2 days i lost over 70 energy why? i joined games that already were at end of depth...or (removed) bugged ( no key to gate so how i can complete it? -.-)
EDIT: Language.
I would really like the friend list import, too. I didn't get any mail from Hale Saxton either, but I figure that since I already have the acheivements, I probably already have the hat. I guess I'd have to reinstall TF2 to find out for sure.
I couldn't really make any sense of that.
I got the Spiral Sallet, but didn't receive any notification on how to get the steam mask. :/
Was there a thread that gives instructions on how to get the Steam Mask? I haven't been able to find anything official.
Step one:
Head to the Arcade and start a party in Tier 1.
You will be presented with an interface once you have finished loading.
Step two:
Invite friends on Steam!
Invite minimum five friends on Steam to play Spiral Knights using the pop-up interface.
You may want to have more than five friends - just in case.
Step three:
Minimum five friends must reach the Rescue Camp before your Steam Knight Mask arrives.
You will also receive a mini-mist tank for each friend who makes it to the Rescue Camp. They contain 15 Mist Energy each.
Step four (optional):
Bug your friend to at least make it to the Rescue Camp so that you can get your Steam Knight Mask.
Co-operation not guaranteed.
Hope this helps!
I did exactly as Shidara instructed and it worked perfectly. +1 !

can we invite steam friends without convert account and still get the steam mask?

What... is wrong with you? GAH! NECRO!

so what if i converted my account from the website to steam would i still have a chance to get the mask?

i tried to keep to shidara´s guidance, too but i stick to the pop-up interface.
i started a game at t1 and i got that message to invite xy but my friend didn´t get any message about me inviting him.
any suggestions?
when he received a message he only has to accept it and play the tut, right?

I just noticed. OP has numbers in his name. Could you do that back then?

but i don´t get your point. my english seems to be a little rusty. OP=original post? could i do what?
are you referring to me having woken up a dead post? if so why should i create a new post if the question fits to what i want to know?

You necroed nearly a year old post.
'Course someone is going to reply like that.

the post before mine was on 4/28/2012. a month, not a year.
is it more senseful to create a new post discussing the same issue?
any productive answers to my question?

Account names could always have numbers in them. This topic is from back when account names were used exclusively for forum posts (Hence the "Legacy Username" title). Knight names could never use numbers, and are now the standard for the forums as well, so you don't see them on here anymore.
This concludes the necro-topic discussion.

nice to know but still not the answer i was looking for ;)

but i for one applaud you for using the search function to try and find an answer, and likewise to reiterate a question. +1 for actually doing some research before asking a question.

ty for the great idea but i checked every post for the search term "steam knight mask". true.
my question is: "i´d like to get the steam knight mask. how will my friend get my pop-up invitation?"
edit: got my mask. if you have any questions pm me ingame. bye! :)
You can get the Steam mask by binding your Steam account with your Spiral Knights account. From there, you will get a notification that if you invite a friend from Steam, you will get the Steam hat. As for the Spiral Sallet on TF2, I heard that you get if from an achievement in-game. As for your final question, I have no idea, but I also hear that you should be able to.