Now I know a lot of people complain about the energy and a lot of people are fine with it. And this idea should be good for both groups. When you level up completely in a tier you should be able to do past dungeons for half price. So if you qualify for tier 2 and unlock it, you should be able to go to lower level dungeons for half price. You could also make a rare trinket drop, just like the heart pendant, and have that regenerate energy a little faster, around 7-9.5 minutes.
Idea for energy/dungeons
Why doesn't anybody see the suggestions thread anymore?
OT: This is a good idea, mind you. I really like it.
No, this really isn't a good idea. One thing it does is reduce jelly palace (and all other T1 and T2 area) diving costs for high end players, so that they would be able to earn twice the crowns on the same energy, inflating the price of energy without compensating entry level players at all. So, it makes the barrier of entry into the game much worse, and inflated energy costs mean nobody really even benefits in the long run. Another thing it does is make the easier areas effectively pay better for the same amount of energy spent, which would increase complaints that making progress and having fun are mutually exclusive - and those complaints would start making a lot more sense.
Halve the drops too then. or make it 1/4 of what the drops are now.
So, players who have played the game...well at all, will be penalized for doing so?
Frankly, all these energy ideas are alright on paper, but it will never be fair for everyone. SOMEONE will be able to take advantage of it, and break the economy.
Post it in suggestions <3