My brother and i have steam accounts and spiralknights acounts seperatly. i want to know if u can bind bothe accounts not just one per computer. You know bind my brothers profile to his steam acount and my spiralknights acount to my steam account. Not just one and not be able to do the other one, the email in the game was quite confusing.
Steam Binding
Sat, 06/25/2011 - 19:51
Legacy Username
Sat, 06/25/2011 - 23:57
Legacy Username
what Vero said. steam isn't
what Vero said. steam isn't based on each computer, you have to log into steam (once it's installed) just like facebook, or spiral knights so you can use it. spiral knights as well isn't bound to each computer either (excepting unpaid accounts and their mist usage - but that's another issue that has nothing to do with this).
I'm pretty sure it's one spiral knights account per steam account. So as long as you and your brother each have your own, you're golden.