If you burn your energy a bit faster than anticipated and notice you're almost empty, but you're still in a dungeon can you use your mist tank?
If not, can you use it at the clockwork terminal, between dungeons?
If you burn your energy a bit faster than anticipated and notice you're almost empty, but you're still in a dungeon can you use your mist tank?
If not, can you use it at the clockwork terminal, between dungeons?
The only time you can't use a mist tank is when you are on an elevator and have less than 10 total energy (ME and CE). The game will prompt you to get more energy, but the only options it'll give you are to buy some from the energy shop/market. You can't access your inventory to use your mist tank at that point (unless they patched this, but I don't think they did).
So don't touch an elevator without enough energy to go down.
You can use them anytime, anywhere.