The Quest...
A Knights Dream...
And Nightmare...
A Quest only the strongest can conqueror
And the weak will fear
This Quest begins now
This quest involves you, others, your guild, and enemies
BTW: Guilds May join other guilds in high hopes of winning
My guild: infiniti battalion
To win this quest you must fight the forces of Vanaduke, the Snarbolax, The Jelly King, and even a secret enemy to be revealed later...
How to Join: Simply post on this forum saying you would like to join
When to join: Now
Why to join: Prizes, Materials, CE and also the chance to be ranked the King/Queen of eternal flames
Rules: To complete stories, post that you have finshed, and give me some sort of proof that you have. If i put an X on your post, i see to it that you did not do it
If i put a *, it means you have passed
How to win:
Complete all the Stories Pt 1- Pt 30 and once i have made my decision on the winner, they will be given prizes, the fame, and Crowned King/Queen of Eternal Flames
I will choose the winner by most hardcore knight, who has fought the most and endured the most missions
Story 1: Jelly Jam
Jellies are fighting ferociusly, defeat 20, and proof such as where or when or in which gates you did them. Most convincing are pictures and those give u lots of points toward winning the quest. Lichens do NOT count
Next Story Sneak Peek: Lichenous Liars
IGN Whitelancer
Representing the Valkyrie Knights!
I would like to join for my guild and characters honor and glory.