There are some epic artwork of SpiralKnights that aren't viewed as wallpaper or pictures. Like for example, if you log out & go to the registration page, if you scroll down you'll see an epic artwork of some spiral knights which is totally unfair that i can't save it to my PC to view it anytime/ put it up as wallpaper. >:( This calls for some hot chocolate!
GMs! We need more wallpapers!
The image i was talking about:
Thank you animegirl86 :) But the feature doesn't work with all web browser programs. I'm running chrome, so the feature doesn't show up on it. Had to use my IE browser.
What we need is GMs to go into the clockworks with us. Eury, noon GT tommorow Vanaduke? Come!
Yup guys I was cowboyb3b0p. I am Hector-Uribe & Kitty-Softpaws & I demand more SK art! I was the cause for more wallpapers added to the media section! I must've been. Who else were to protest about it!?
Give us full links to these banners!!!!!!!!!! You guys are so torturous. Screw modesty, I demand JUSTICE for this unfairness! I will have my vengance for foiling all my plans OOOs! For my secret identity Softpaws, for my achievements being mixed up, mark my words! I will ragecraft the best UV ever and spam gloat it all over haven & the forums! Vengance shall be mine.
EDIT: THANKS THO! Truce for now.
It goes so good with Vista. ☺☻
Many great artists have made awesome wallpapers using Spiral Spy, like Romasanta, Happyapathy, etc.
It's not so bad. But this is an approach to the GameMasters. They refuse to gives us these banners!
For the registration page image you're talking about, if you right-click anywhere on the background and select "View Background Image", it'll open up a new tab/window of just that image. Then you can save it.
But yeah, I agree with you. There are some other artwork around the web site that I would like to become wallpapers.