I'm currently running tier 2/ tier 1 as a half bomber half swordsman, and I'm finding Devilites inordinately hard. With their ability to deal 2/3 hearts of damage at tier 2 (I'm currently using fused demo helm and spiral demo suit) at range, I currently can't fight them easily. I've tried using piercing bombs (crystal bomb - they dodge, and spine cone - it's too weak/small), my normal blast bomb (master blast bomb - I still get hit too often while placing bombs down/ if it's tight I quickly get surrounded) and my piercing sword (flamberge - when I'm hitting one the others attack and I lose tons of health), but nothing seems to offer me a solution where I'm not forced to revive at tier 2.
It probably doesn't help that I'm not wearing shadow defense armour (skelly), but I don't see why I should be forced to ditch my bomber armour to fight one set of monsters. Although my armour doesn't offer piercing defense, I can still easily fight off wolver levels (I might lose some health and it might be more risky but I practically never have to revive), but when it comes to the dark city levels I easily wipe, even before halfway through tier 2.
Am I doing something horribly wrong? Or are the Devilites just broken for my current armour combination?
What's your shield?