The snarbolax , when it rears up and roars.
It's mouth opens in such a cute way...
That's my pick.
What is the cutest monster to you, and why?
But... But... They're all so cute! Little puppies, little ghosties, adorable little chubby office demons.
I guess I'd have to pick snipes. I want one, I'd let it helicopter around my house all day.
Edit: I saw someone had made a snipe papercraft but I'd love more. katt plushies, love puppy bookends and fiend pajamas. This would make me happy.
The Konjuring Kat if that one counts.
"What dark ritual?"
I chose the mewkat over the snipe.
It never attacks, and it doesn't turn ugly like the others.
Tell me, is it really reasonable to kill those cute things? :(
I second Mewkats. I feel bad about killing those whenever I see them, but I need the money, badly.

Lumbers, cause I'm pretty sure they need some love...

I am trying to learn how to knit or crochet or something so that I can make myself a stuffed Impostocube. It is not going well.
My girlfriend absolutely adores the Kat Butler in Moorcroft. (Kat ...Koncierge? Whatever it's actual name is, we call him the Kat Butler).
First time she saw him she laughed for 15 minutes straight and just couldn't stop staring at him.
So he gets my vote as well.
I love it when the devilites dive to get away, there isnt anything more cute and awesome'er...ever.

the office motif ups it to a whole new level, especially when pit bosses talk when promoting/demoting
Especially when they're doing their little yelp ^_^

Mecha knights.
They have feelings too y'know...
Nothing is cute any more. The only enemies I didn't have a reason to hate were jellies, but they're ugly now.
OOO, please hire someone to make plushies. I would take a plush snipe and plush mewkat instantly.

I second the Tier 1 Chromas. I just love their totally vacant looks and odd struts. You can thank Boswick for them.

Thanks boswick - also would proabbly thank him for a lot of other things. Also would love a chroma plushie ;) Or impostacube

Scuttlebots. Okay? Okay. Don't argue. They're just so pathetically weak there's no other way to describe them but cute.
Scuttlebots ARE so weak they're kind of cute... they're practically this game's goombas.
...though I have to downvote the devilites. I don't care how cute they may look, they are NOT cute after the things I've gone through.

sorry... just that im a devilite fan...
i love their sound when you hit/kill them esp. the yesmen around pitbosses
I used to love devlites! That is, until they mauled me every time I got near them. Even the tier 1 devlites can cause a bit of trouble for me.
Anyway, I'd have to say... Gremlin Tenderfoots (or is it Tenderfeet?). They just look so cuddly without all their armor!

Vanaduke is [like] a Giant Lumber. I'd have to say though... Impostocube, mewkat, sloom[bargo], and yesmen. Why you say? I say BECAUSE I FELL LIKE IT.
Plushies would be amazing. In fact, everything in the game is beautiful, I love the art style to bits. Why are there not plushies? I would cuddle with a katt every night. Also, for the chap who liked Snarbolax:
I do say, quite a dashing beast he is.

I don't think any monster or creature in SK are cute.
Cute... Haha. They all look the same when I shoot
Them in the face. HOORAH
Omg! you like to kill snipes too?
Finally! I'm not the only one who thinks the Snarbolax is adorable! xD
I like the Snarbolax and Wolvers. ^^ I love the cute little sounds they make.
I guess Kats when they don't notice you are pretty cute.