"The Snapes are the graceful, adorable, fetchingly-pasty wizards you see roaming about the school. some say they are the most beautiful creatures in the galaxy, but you would never hear that from the Snapes themselves as they are incredibly modest."
I for one agree with Warnel and that's why I think we as apprentices should be able to adopt or buy these adorable Snapes.
I say we take a vote post a comment here and say yes if you want to be able to adopt Snapes and also say if you want to adopt or buy
If you don't want Snapes and think they should be removed from HW altogether then say no
(mean people say no)
please also post any ideas you have about the Snape trade or just Snapes in general
yes! I think we should be able to adopt them despite their killing of Dumbledores.
Troll much. But lol yea?