Hey, so i have been playing spiral knights for about 2 weeks and i have all of these equipments:
Dusker Cap
Ash Tail Coat
Tempered Calibur ( slime bonus: medium )
Twisted Targe
The main thing i need help is choosing my swords for T3 and still be able to T2 with no problems ( jelly king ). I dont want to T3 now but work on it so when i choose my weapons they are right for T3 ( lord vanaduke ) The main problem is if that i should craft my calibur to CIV or Ascended calibur? i know there are lots of undeads in T3 but i know that avenger will do well. I read lots of forums with arguements about CIV was the best and avenger was slow. and vise versa. The main problem is that i got the ascended calibur receipe and learnt... ( dumb of me ) but i dont mind switching to CIV line if it is really worth it.
Future equipment:
Vog Cub Cap
Vog Cub Coat
Barbarous Thorn Shield
( X weapon )
( X weapon )
I was also thinking about vile striker but i really like the calibur's 360 charge attack as it can really save you in any situation as a PURE SWORDSMAN. At this point i wont be getting weapon slots XD.
Thanks everyone!
* mind any errors as i cbf to proof read XD *
Levi (and Ascended) are perfectly fine, especially if you already have (Divine) Avenger (search the forums and the wiki for precise damage info).
The investment in a supplementary slot for Shivermist (or even Hail driver) would really make your life easier in the Citadel (and Danger Rooms, Arenas, Graveyards, etc.)...
Some form of shadow def (shield or may be Trinket) might be useful for Fiend strata (T3 but even T2 ?)...